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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/18/2021 in all areas

  1. i can't stand trump. he was still the better choice in both 16 and 20 but he fucked this country with his refusal to behave like an adult when he lost and that cost at least 1 GA senate seat
    5 points
  2. Fauci is a baffoon who is trying to play the American people for fools, he flip flops more than a fish on a hot dock
    4 points
  3. I’ve drank beer with you even after everybody else gave up and went to bed so , I concur. Where did we buy that case of beer was that a bowling alley or some shit like that? Backwoods Minnesota bullshit. As long as we meet near a Wal Mart or a Culver’s, he will show up. No doubt. Holy fuck I just had a thought....somebody find a Culver’s IN a Wal Mart parking lot and that queer hillbilly will show up skipping through the parking lot swinging his murse and clicking the heels of his camo crocs together.
    4 points
  4. I voted for trump twice also, but his ego wasn't his downfall, it was a steady barrage of shit from the left which started before he even took office. I didn't vote for him to be a nice guy and sugar coat everything like the useless career pieces of shit that are hungry for power, should Trump run again I would support him. I might point out I voted for Obama twice also for different reasons, as an independent I have voted both sides of the isle for 40 years, and both parties suck shit
    4 points
  5. The only way it could be funnier is if a weather map popped up behind him.
    4 points
  6. hardly, competent and experienced rider can tell the difference between the 2. lake racing drunks might need studs to make up for a lack of skill
    3 points
  7. 3 points
  8. every time I sit on my sled it becomes "studded" None in the track though LOL
    3 points
  9. Portuguese chicken with salad and mixed berries. Yum.
    3 points
  10. Grilled Ruben sandwich & fries
    3 points
  11. We are slumming tonight seeing as we don't have the means to our kitchen, pizza oven or bbq. We are limited to what we can cook here so tonight it's a can of vegetable beef soup and some fish cakes.
    3 points
  12. Oh, I’m not even going to waste my time doing another “Bean review/comparison test” with those.
    3 points
  13. Wife and I like Quiche. Made this one Sunday. Eggs,sharp cheddar, milk, sour cream, sausage,red orange yellow sweet mini peppers,parm on top
    3 points
  14. Yes, Germany took back the Rhineland they lost after ww1 in 36, invaded Poland in 39 so sure you’d be right if we lived in Europe. The facts are that we both live in AMERICA and for us AMERICANS we entered WW2 on dec 7, 1941 making said 1940 truck a fucking prewar truck you god damn drunken half wit. Now go back to drinking your toilet pruno and sticking your dick in a dead seals ass and stop fucking up a good thread about cars you’ll never be able to afford.
    3 points
  15. I stuck a stick in the gas tank and feels like 2-3" of sludge in the bottom . I screwed around with it today and cut the fuel line,added a piece of rubber fuel hose to the steel line before the fuel pump and put a plastic jug on the inner fender full of gas and stuck the hose in. I filled the float bowls with gas,squirted some gas in the carb and it fired right up. It's sucking gas out of my jerry rigged jug and now we won't need a bunch of people pushing it to load it on the trailer.
    3 points
  16. Had some bacon that needed using, so breakfast for dinner. Used up the last of the bacon, eggs, bread, and milk, so it cleaned out the fridge a bit too.
    2 points
  17. Baked chicken breasts, baked sweet potato and Brussels sprouts (ammo for later)
    2 points
  18. Don’t go down this rabbit hole with Buttcocks.....it leads nowhere good lol
    2 points
  19. I think it is becoming abundantly clear what is going on. Obama said those jobs were never coming back, trump brought them back, now biden policies are moving them out. This is blatantly obvious to even the most mentally unstable.
    2 points
  20. 2 points
  21. from accomplishments to generic foods what a thread
    2 points
  22. Out on the lake yesterday, not much snow to be found, you'd be in trouble without studs, just saying
    2 points
  23. He's certainly making it more appealing for manufactures to move production out of the country. Vs. Trump who would call them out for moving production and implementing a tax to import them back into the country. Trump blasts General Motors: Make Chevy Cruze model in US or ‘pay big border tax’ PUBLISHED TUE, JAN 3 20179:22 AM ESTUPDATED TUE, JAN 3 201712:33 PM EST https://www.cnbc.com/2017/01/03/trump-blasts-general-motors-make-chevy-cruze-model-in-us-or-pay-big-border-tax.html
    2 points
  24. My 650 came with 22/41, beats 800's and even some 850's to 660 feet. I like it. Took it to a 600 ft radar run, won every class I entered it in!
    2 points
  25. Hardly made the news here and it happened 40 miles from me, they also kept the perps race under wraps, had it been two white kids burning a black it would have been national news for a week........hang these pos from a tree in the village square and be done with them
    2 points
  26. CNN (or you pick)- Robert Aaron Long, was an avid aggressive Trump supporter and active member of several white supremacy groups. Long denied this was a racially motivated shooting but, we know he's lying and was motivated to slay these innocent victims of color based on the reckless and mean Tweets from Trump. It was also clear he was not wearing a mask during the shootings thus, extending the death toll well into the future by unknown numbers. His anti-vax rants have been discovered on obscure websites in which we have obtained exclusive rights and will publish these rants against the greater good as they are found. The NRA has chimed in to acknowledge the AR-15 firearm was purchased legally and they support his right to use it to kill innocent people. We love Biden...Biden is hip and cool. Biden...Biden....Biden...bidenbnidkdkskskdfnaslkdgnalskdgna;slkdgnfa;sdkjfas;ldjkgna;sjdga;sdlkfajs;dlkfajsd;fasg;ajsdgn;asdgna;sdjgas;dg/fkasd
    2 points
  27. The climate is ALWAYS changing. So what is the temperature supposed to be?
    2 points
  28. We went to a KFC for takeout. We both got the dble tender sammich,fries, gravy and a pop.
    2 points
  29. There is NO WAY that you type the shit that you type to trip people's switches, no way. You've never once admitted to planting a seed, never. If you're trying to be the guy that just likes to fuck with people you're full of shit. I went around with you many times on HCS and you had to get behind Rob and boohoo to him CONSTANTLY. You're no different here. Fucking fraud .
    2 points
  30. No but when our government tells us the number of deaths from covid are 220 thousand BUT the CDC says that number is wrong and its over estemated by as much as 130 thousand or more...................i think its safe to say the numbers are wrong.
    1 point
  31. Kawasaki inline 4cyl air cooled. ‘73 Z1900, ‘80Z1r 1000. With a kerker4-1 exhaust they are the ultimate sound.
    1 point
  32. lmao - we've a pretty similar mindset for the most part, but I honestly cannot for the life of me find any real 'value' I'd be willing to pay for in the B-last models unlike a 4000 RR. this is nothing like ACTR as no one asked an idiotic question without also adding what type of machine they are attempting to fix or what due diligence they've already done. no one on this thread has suggested replacing a TSS or replacing the magneto. solid ride they are and with luck you'll find one that wasn't beat and put up wet or 'modified' as they are solid stone stock.
    1 point
  33. Can't handle the truth can you Francis you walrus mutant half breed.
    1 point
  34. I have never cheered for any political party, they both suck, I supported Trump and still do, the rest of them can burn in hell, fuck career political crooks from both sides
    1 point
  35. Not saying that, but people on the right have no problem telling you if their politicians suck. Unlike the left. That is why a person that was never in a political position was elected as POTUS. You don't see the left EVER doing something like that.
    1 point
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