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My opinion is birthright citizenship for those here legally. Fuck this anchor baby shit.11 points
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President-elect Donald Trump is marking his return to the White House with a record-breaking fundraising total of $250 million for his inaugural efforts, sources familiar with Trump's fundraising told ABC News. Unlike the democrat loser, some people can plan, finance and pull off the objective without ending up in $20m debt.... after spending $1.6b...... Talk about an easy mark...10 points
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but thing is you dont need a 10k-15k-20k sled to ride . Im lucky now I can afford more expensive sleds. But like I said I rode years with Guys with newer more expensive faster sleds and never had a problem keeping pace and getting the ride in. Too me its like boating, some Guys spend $200k ....the Guy in the $10k boat can get to the same spot most of the time if he has a reliable unit.8 points
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No shortage of know-it-all Nostradamus types here no matter how many times they've been wrong previously7 points
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This is how she behaves after hiding under the table, throwing stale croissants at the tv, and complaing to her care giver she can't find his binky. Wow. Pour Rev.... a broken, pathetic shell of the woman she once was...7 points
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Here's to hoping Argo pulls the trigger and makes it work. We need Cat in the business to keep Polaris and Ski-Doo on their toes. And, keep a few of my die-hard Cat buddies happy!7 points
with the exception of my current sled, which is my first and only sled I ever bought new, in the 50 years I have rode sleds I have always bought low milage used sleds, me and my buddies would chase snow if needed but most have got out of the sport or moved to warmer climates, both my sleds and trailer are paid for and are not costing me anything but insurance and registration, I have seen winters worse than this in all those years and have been mostly able to ride from home, the last few years have been challenging and I am at a point if it snows I'll ride but I am not up to chasing it anymore without my buddies and I am not going to throw in the towel after a few bad years either I have a lot of skin in the game with all the club work I have done over the many years to keep this sport alive7 points
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Maybe not dead, but definitely on life support. Really sad to see. Can’t ignore the biggest factor of short seasons with no rideable snow. Almost mid January and a total of 3” so far. Back in the late seventies snowmobiles were like lawn mowers, everyone had one. They were cheap, easy to work on, indestructible, and you could throw open your garage and ride. Even the resurgence in the 90’s with better suspension, faster, more dependable, having 2-3 sleds was in reach of most families. Now owning a sled around here with no trailer, truck, is as useless as having a jet ski or boat with no trailer or lake to use it.7 points
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