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Showing content with the highest reputation since 06/26/2024 in all areas

  1. My new boat, the Brinn Courtney. Start in NY Harbor in 3 weeks.
    18 points
  2. Any proud Dads out there?! Just bought my daughter her first “real” dirtbike and the lil’ shit rips on it!!
    17 points
  3. Your tear ducts must be the size of kidneys!
    12 points
  4. The wife had his show on last night (like usual) and I was trying to distract myself with the iPad. Gutfield is one of those types who tries way too hard to be funny, but he has his moments. Last night was one of them They were playing a clip from ABC, with Martha Raddatz doing her usual anti-Trump / anti-GOP rant, and after the clip Gutfield dropped this bomb: "Martha - Time to retire, you've lost your mind and your face has more wrinkles than an orangutan's ball sack" That is pure gold!!
    8 points
  5. 600+ cars registered for the Pan-O-Prog cruise night in Lakeville, perfect weather for it! Here’s just a few…
    7 points
  6. He was from Illinois and liked the theatre , of course he was a faggot
    7 points
  7. Holy sheeit. Keep circling the wagon water carriers..
    7 points
  8. Not what I've seen, Trump said he would be willing to debate Harris more than once but what he is not thrilled about is They want the debates to be held on Their choice of tv station and moderators, so why not allow Trump to have his choice of tv station and moderators for 1 or 2 of the debates. We all know None of the tv networks show favoritism to either political party........
    6 points
  9. i had read that the flags, because of no atmosphere had been bleached white. i thought, "oh thats great, now aliens when passing by will think the french landed there"
    6 points
  10. Inside is a little bit away from done yet, but it was built with two master rooms and a nice big bathroom! Neal
    6 points
  11. Full out faggotry on display. anyone so into the cult they feel the need to buy the merch and go to the rally should probably just do the world a favor and as F7bhent likes to eloquently state- go kill themselves.
    6 points
  12. you just can't accept it's over for you fucking retards, again caliber of your choice if you eat a bullet, free shipping and handling
    6 points
  13. I saw a meme the other day that said "Joe Biden is just as confused as Michelle Obamas gynecologist." I lol'd....
    6 points
  14. @ArcticCrusher let some of these guys know where you'll be for that half hour so they can follow you there instead of having panic attacks
    6 points
  15. You still mad how Biden did in that debate? That was pure gold! The party you live and breath looked absolutely retarded on the world's biggest stage. How fucking stupid do you feel supporting the Dems no matter what? Imagine, you look absolutely brain dead to an Eastern Canadian working at a Pulp Mill. Keep up the great work. Very entertaining.
    6 points
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