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Skidooski last won the day on July 19

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About Skidooski

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  1. Yep because I’m usually mocking him. Anything else genius? You repeat yourself more than anyone else. And most of your material was copied from other people. Dull normal dummy
  2. Sure, yeah, whatever fucktardo Ask me the same question ten more times dummy
  3. Republicans are such idiots on this issue. It’s killing them every election cycle
  4. Kamala is bigger than the Obama’s now…weird Programming continues
  5. What does it matter if hoe bag is going to be president anyways?
  6. Tomorrow at 2:00 behind Sandy’s and make sure you do your TMJ exercises
  7. It was CGI…all fake like the spherical earth and the moon landing
  8. Sorry you’ve violated your own rules. Sthevie will be along shortly to scold you….well, the best he can at least. Just act like you’re taking him serious as to not hurt his sensitive feelings
  9. Add that to the nonexistent Rules Page! *** No changing of the minds! For yourself and definitely don't try and change anyone else's!!11
  10. Nobody is allowed to change their mind I get it
  11. And you sure pissed him off. Next time..... piss off the dumb and simple types like SThevie instead
  12. You need a real hobby. This unhealthy obsession is just a waste of your time
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