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Everything posted by Zambroski

  1. I just figured them under the DOJ. I think they should charge by the call. Or, tax the area they have to stay in because of all the calls.
  2. I am. And I'm correct. You don't because, you are a pants shitting idiot.
  3. I mean, right? It's clear they represent the strongest and most mentally equipped to handle tough situations and deal with adversity. I know. Easy to forget FEMA though. It's because they have a "4th" CDC FBI DOJ CIA UN WHO FEMA
  4. What a god damn joke. Add FEMA to the worthless and corrupt acronym list.
  5. The selfish and unvaxxed should be punished for all this! I'm available all week.
  6. He's such an insufferable twat. Always has been.
  7. FUCK MAGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. "These fucking people are assholes!!!!' Nice mask you fucking douch bag.
  9. I think it just might be possible to tax ourselves out of this. But, time is running out...WE MUST ACT NOW!!! #Green #MMGW #Algore
  10. That's your answer then? "Figure it out yourself" Thanks for playing, MadHaven.
  11. We'll be at war almost immediately.
  12. Let's not pretend this is just on one side. I mean, look at all this absolute trash at Kamala rally:
  13. I know Russia and China..and YooKrane are pulling hard for her for sure.
  14. That's what's gonna be the most fun. Honestly. I can't wait for the "racist" comments to come back....from the party of pedophiles. Gonna be awesome!!!!!!
  15. Can be any combination but it cannot be denied that the frankenjab was not "safe and effective". And it sure as fuck wasn't even needed for most. But, big pharma will be protected by the government...as if it were one of their own, because, really......
  16. LOL....I sat in the Menard's parking lot a few weeks ago and watched some half-wit load a huge cart of landscaping bricks into his camry trunk. Surely, I thought, he wasn't going to try and get them all in there. WRONG! Not a chance that suspension recovered from that. He was fully bottomed when he pulled out. Morons.
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