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01mxz800 last won the day on April 7

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About 01mxz800

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  • Location
    Wayne County NY


  • Current Sled
    2015 MXZ 600 Sport

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  1. cappy was a great guy for those who knew him personally
  2. clean and coat it you stupid fuck, care goes a long way
  3. he's just pretending he knows what the fuck is going on, he's been feeding suckers like you a line of shit for 40+ years
  4. 34 counts that the left "trumped" up,prosecuted by far left DA's,..........of color. what do you think the outcome would be, will all be thrown out on appeal,just a waste of taxpayer money you worthless drain on society
  5. what are the Vegas odds dumbfuck eat a bulet
  6. you just can't accept it's over for you fucking retards, again caliber of your choice if you eat a bullet, free shipping and handling
  7. mc going to step into his garage, close the doors and windows and start his car in November, the total meltdown of the left is going to be epic
  8. can't fucking wait for your stroke in November, hope it's fatal
  9. it's going to get pretty quiet here in November when the dumbs lose it all because of all their bullshit
  10. can't wait for your stroke in November, going to be fucking epic
  11. saw 3 on the shoulder of the NYS thruway today broke down, ICE vehicles just wizzing by
  12. you fucking retards are going to support this sinking ship right into the San Andreas Trench where it belongs
  13. can't wait for crying liberals 2.0 in November
  14. These are what I use in the pellet grill, 100% charcoal and not overwhelming flavor, only thing I use, get them at TSC, thank me later
  15. Old surge milker bucket, old timer told me they used them for cooking salt potatoes so I picked up a couple, work awesome for that, perfect every time
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