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01mxz800 last won the day on April 7

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About 01mxz800

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  • Location
    Wayne County NY


  • Current Sled
    2015 MXZ 600 Sport

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  1. Picked this up at a local auction on the cheap for a inter project, claimed "engine fire, non running" closer inspection fire was contained in air cleaner, pressure washed when I got it home, figured I would have to tinker with it to get running threw a battery in to see if it would spin over and it popped right off, only needed to clean carb, been looking for a restore project and tractor is a fairly rare utility, can't go wrong for $625 for a 50 horse tractor, 1976 international 2400 series b 20241005_143444.mp4 20241005_182725.heic
  2. Few I took on my Thursday run into PA
  3. considering SNL hasn't been funny since the early 80's that wasn't bad, if they can keep the bias out of the show and make fun of everybody like they used to early on then they will do fine
  4. after 34 years trucking still don't get used to seeing this 1st thing in the morning, 3 of them wadded up, only minor injuries considering the the mess
  5. the downward spiral began the janitor's head began to swell and the influx of hardcore homos showed up
  6. I'm sure you morons will run off to your safe spaces when madam prostitute loses in November
  7. 41 days to go you dumb fuckers need to pace yourselves
  8. Transgender, grooming studies would be my guess
  9. fuck that shithole, bring our men and woman and all of our hardware home and let them kill themselves
  10. That's not a small tractor, wonder if it was wet and trailer slid.
  11. I looked at them when I was putting a plow on my Ranger, thought they looked a little weak and went with a Denalli plow, pretty happy with my choice
  12. he wouldn't need it, in a FAIR debate the cackling cunt would sink herself having to actually answering unscripted question she doesn't have the answers to
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