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Zambroski last won the day on July 6

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About Zambroski

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    Duluth, MN


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    Cat SX

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  1. "I was just trolling. Moving the needle!! Trumpers!!!"
  2. Oh, I think it's working really well. I mean, it's nothing close to a vaccine at all but, look how it has rallied the virtuous covidians. Pretty impressive. Like watching a good pair of sheep dogs herd up the flock right into the chutes.
  3. "Trail converted". What a fun term meaning so much...and so little at the same time! How you been, Alex?
  4. Poor Stupid Steve. Longways dude! From the wrist to the elbow. Be successful!!!
  5. Whew. You said it. Here it is. Another little awkward hater that was fed up.
  6. The memes and gifs that have come out of this are fucking priceless. Only second to the party of pedos and groomers jumping around in each other's asses trying run some kind of weird cover for their overlords.
  7. I'll take a shot: Child marriage, child sexual abuse and support of it, hatred, intolerance, virtue signaling, weak minds, etc.....
  8. Probably the only accurate post you've ever made here. But, for reasons you don't agree with at all.
  9. LOL..also, name the Four that voted "yes". AHahhahhaha ahhhahahahhahah. Pro tip: look for the weakest suffering from TDS.
  10. Been watching and participating at the adults table next door. Now, has any of these sad, frustrated TDS victims "offed" themselves yet? Any dead? Make sure you alert me then so I can come over and piss on their sorry graves.
  11. Orders are out! It's a full on "I know you are but, what am I?" Crusade for libtwats and all hands on deck!!!! Squeal says, "It's worked for me for years!"
  12. Only in your eyes....which constantly bleed stupid tears. I guess we could do a poll and see?
  13. Poor Stevie. The site's token "Real Conservative" is just in here talking about Trump. Nary a negative thought about Bido-Pedo. Some may find his claim to being a "real conservative" suspicious. Not me though!
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