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Zambroski last won the day on December 15 2024

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About Zambroski

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    Duluth, MN


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    Doo RS

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  1. -Covidian quotes that aged poorly, #279
  2. Go clean your mask out. Your spittle is clogging the holes. DO YOU WANT TO DIE?!!!!
  3. Right!!!!!!
  4. I doubt they would but if they do, it means they are prepared to go nukular. These weren't deflections so much as insults. If you didn't see that, I can do better.
  5. Well, this isn't true at all. It's just you see it that way because I am always on the opposite side of those "two or three" subjects you so badly want to defend.
  6. True. Trolls looking for attention.
  7. Yes but, you got it anyway.
  8. They still don't understand because they don't see it this way. Now it's all, "I didn't care if you wanted to get the jab or not." That's not what it was though....and I'm not interested in their version of historical rewrites.
  9. Right, and the self righteous covidians today still don't understand why people who want and enjoy freedom are upset about what was attempted and won't let it go. It's something to ponder for sure.
  10. Well, warrior up then? Lol Just because people who think they are kewl haters with mass TDS bailed out, doesn't mean anything. Fact is, those 20 threads a day followed by endless, mindless TDS rants ran off much of the high wit here.
  11. It's amazing how so many are told who to "support" and do so without thought one about it. No reason to do some figuring on your own. That's hard.
  12. Mass fear psychosis mixed with retard virtue is a special thing. Personally, I don't mind anyone wearing masks at all. Do what you want...so long as I don't have to follow that fearful lead. But we know that's not how it works. Don't we?
  13. Add disgusting and yuh....
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