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J. Jackson

USA Contributing Member
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About J. Jackson

  • Birthday 10/08/1941

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  • Location
    Greenville, S.C.


  • Current Sled
    70 Elan 292

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  1. What does his ear have to do with the election? Earned him a little sympathy for a week or so? Most have moved on to hopefully the issues that our country faces.
  2. J. Jackson

    C8 ZR1

    Well there you go. Never hurts to have status.
  3. J. Jackson

    C8 ZR1

    There's a long line that would be ahead of you.
  4. Not many countries in the world aren't built on stolen land.
  5. Yeah, have one at a dealer with 2 bad turbos with 26 on the clock. Turbos are months out. Even the service writer said that she regretted trading her 19 Tundra for a 22.
  6. I bought a 23 pickup that stickered for just shy of 116,000. Why 140?
  7. A diesel pu typically weighs around 7k. They may be tanks but they shit and git.
  8. I agree for the most part. We were talking today about 100 Senators and 435 Reps that make up Congress plus all the rest of the swamp in Washington plus all our state and local politicians that make up maybe, just a guess, 40000 people. Why can't these people honestly give a shit about the rest of us 350,000,000 citizens? There's a few that do for sure but most just get intoxicated by power. Their only concern is that the day after they're elected they're already plotting to get elected again.
  9. I say he resigns tonite and bids farewell. Hopefully our resident Biden ass lappers are too choked up to start 10 new threads about how great he was. Luckily, I have c2c on ignore.
  10. 1- It wasn't just Rpubs. 2-She deserved what she got.
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