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steve from amherst

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steve from amherst last won the day on September 3 2023

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About steve from amherst

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  • Location
    Southern nh


  • Current Sled
    2021 xcr 850

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Community Answers

  1. she may. Wouldn't be a bad pick for her. Could also see her picking Andy Beshear . A dem in a red state has to be somewhat middle of the road . That is what she needs.
  2. Well that would explain dems stance on open borders. They think there is no one left living here.
  3. World added 100 million people last yr. Anyone who thinks we will fix climate change is a fucking moron
  4. Saw t6hat , 3 in one yr. Why he was hired again is beyond me
  5. So how did negotiations with Putin go? " well we were kinda at a standstill till I offered to throw in a BJ "
  6. So if they ditch Harris are they kissing the black vote goodbye?
  7. He is outside with white paint painting over the Biden on his biden / harris sign
  8. I wouldn't wait in a line like that for free reefer
  9. If I had a 36" unit I wouldn't even own pants.
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