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Mag6240 last won the day on June 23 2022

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About Mag6240

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    2021 Polaris Switchback 850 XCR

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  1. Wow - you are completely clueless - good luck.
  2. So you weren’t at the “mostly peaceful protest” in Mpls? Got it. And thank you for NOT destroying Mpls. (As far as I know) See, you aren’t the only one I know who participated in a “protest”. My at the time 26yo daughter did as well. She was going to all those “events” 4 years ago. I got a lot of flack from her at the time. As more time has passed, she has had a shift in perspective, based on things she is being told and things she sees. It’s a good thing to not have your feet dug in and have the ability to see and listen to what is being pushed in front of you. This was the entire point of the original post. Lying media to keep us divided.
  3. It blows my mind how people have formed that opinion of what happened. Sad part is all the businesses they destroyed were local to those people affected. A lot of them, A LOT have not recovered to this day, if they even attempted to. You hear those stories all the time yet to this day. Well, except for the 3rd precinct, that the leadership of this state thought “yeah, let them have that building, they’ll stop there.” FFS
  4. Were you in Minneapolis? When blocks of the city were destroyed and burned to the ground? That kind of “protest”??
  5. Call them what you will. Living in a county that was locked down just 18 miles from the RIOTS and not being able to walk outside of your home for days because the smell of burning plastic was so bad it would take your breath away would change your mind dramatically… much different than a “protest”.
  6. Fixed - 😂 - you do remember Mpls burning for days don’t you? And as for her donating, organizers and promoters of said funding are off the hook, for just “suggesting” people send money?? Holy Fuck…
  7. Metronet has been running around my town putting in Fiber with a ditch witch unchained everywhere they go. Scary shit…
  8. I’m sure he came over the border “legally” - sorry, couldn’t help myself.
  9. I wish - lots of aftermarket parts on that car.
  10. And while we are at it, here’s the snow depth in MN in 2023 - weird how much snow we had!!
  11. The whole state of MN looked just like that in 1981 also.
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