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Mag6240 last won the day on December 27 2024

Mag6240 had the most liked content!

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  • Current Sled
    2021 Polaris Switchback 850 XCR

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  1. Celebrities - pay no attention to them. ZERO.
  2. 1200 last year after a 7500+ year. Will be close to 2k when the sled goes in the trailer today.
  3. Did they stay home? Haven’t read much lately.
  4. Seney north was real good…
  5. 150 today - took myself off the Paradise team, power valves started acting up on the 18 today. Back on the 21 tomorrow!
  6. Doug rolled into where we were staying last night! Good to finally meet you…
  7. If you aren’t going to ride, yeah, it would be. If you do though, 2015 up will be plenty.
  8. It was only 2 years ago I put over 7500 miles on in MN and western Sconnie and 1500+ was SOUTH of the Twin Cities - yeah, last year sucked, this year is not off to a good start, but I’m not throwing in the towel yet FFS. Oh by the way, like some have already said (eastern UP and I’m sure there are many more) I’m north of a 1000 miles on January 11th.
  9. 2024 Lynx Rave - about a 1000 miles into its life (795 last year) and probably never had a wrench on it. You can tell it’s been loose and moving for a while. We MacGyvered it back straight on the trail and got the rail pucks (which were all buggered up) in the tension slot, tightened the shit out of it and put 100+ more miles on after that today. Not the best trails by any means, but we rode ‘em with the 1000’s of other people.
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