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Angry ginger

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Angry ginger last won the day on February 22 2021

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About Angry ginger

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    NH USA


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    24 BC XRS 146

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  1. after he opened the border for 3 years for no reqason we should celebrate this? Obama and Trump both far better on the border than Biden SBYL
  2. come on lets be real she's completely unlikeable. like 16 and 20 it will come down to how a handful fo states swing. she will win the popular vote like Biden and CLinton did IMO but thats only because people are voting against trump not for her.
  3. she had single digit support in 20 and nothing she's done would change thatsince if anything she's gotten worse with her word salad speeches
  4. 60 something year old manchin i could vote for because he's proven he will do whats best for his people not the party. i don;t knwo that i could do it at 76 but i'd at least consider it. instead I'll just skip that spot on the ballot and only go to vote for the gov race.
  5. women don't like tramps who sucked their way to the top. even when many of them were also sluts in their past.
  6. why waste her now when we can have her fine leadership in 24 and 28
  7. Full out faggotry on display. anyone so into the cult they feel the need to buy the merch and go to the rally should probably just do the world a favor and as F7bhent likes to eloquently state- go kill themselves.
  8. which is the only reason I hope trump wins. we need split control at all times until we get rid of the 2 party system to balance off the fucktards on both sides
  9. Have a friend who used to sit with his sniper rifle on overwatch when he was on the tactical team locally. it is true that the local authorities are given a fair amount of responsibility to cover certain areas but i am shocked the SS is not concenered about 150 yards as most hunters could make a body shot at least at that distance nevermind a trained sniper.
  10. yes joe meant a literal bullseye, SMH
  11. I just cruised back home through the beach looking at the nuke plant off to the side. I still take solace in knowing that in a nuclear war between that, the ANG base and the shipyard i'm not going to see past the first wave.
  12. Clinton was a boomer and didn't fuck this country like Biden and Trump. although technically not a boomer lets face it attituid and sense of entitlement biden certainly is. we should not have 36 years of boomer presidencies but Gen X never stepped up and tried to push the boomers out like we should have. Even Kamala the future president of the US is a fucking Boomer.
  13. bidens every bit as real of a leader as the other fucktard running. both should do america a favor and kill themselves and take their low iq retard supporters with them.
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