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SSFB last won the day on August 18 2024

SSFB had the most liked content!

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    '23 Polaris XC 850 137" MERICA

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  1. Calm your tits, Karen.
  2. Long story short, facts don't care about your feelings!
  3. https://reason.com/2025/01/24/the-problem-with-trumps-birthright-citizenship-order/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=reason_brand&utm_content=autoshare&utm_term=post
  4. The expected responses from the peanut brains. Just dumber than hell.
  5. Men cannot get pregnant. Seems you’re confused.
  6. The burden of proof is on people making the claim. Of course, you don’t understand that.
  7. You just don’t understand logic! Conservatives good! Libs bad! Nazis bad! Libs are Nazis!
  8. Excluding Christmas, my best week of the year was the week of the election.
  9. It was closer than most Presidential elections in American history.
  10. Trump. It’s all a false flag. Wake up sheeple!
  11. Trump had no responsibility for Jan 6 even though he was having a Stop the Steal rally and then his supporters marched down to the Capitol. But George is definitely responsible for what BLM does. These two things make sense when you’re brain dead.
  12. Dead Soros of course. He’s so powerful he’s able to control the world from the grave.
  13. BLM was an insurrection though or not?
  14. Guy carrying Confederate flag - Kevin Seefried Cop in the video - Michael Fanone Brain dead fucking clown - AC
  15. "Discovery is gonna be lit"
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