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Crnr2Crnr last won the day on September 12 2024

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  1. shocking...
  2. first day here I've left for work above zero this week... but global warming we sure could use some precipitation to go along with it though
  3. this post is begging for @fortune46x's attention...
  4. it's not impossible to change the shore density of foam. sit on one where, there isn't a dealer within a hundred miles with both of them... did you figure out how to soften the suspension yet? almost forgot about that... except with their big boars which grenade with regularity did the seat foam guy get laid off as well? might become a high demand item the way it sounds someone needs to get in touch with the My Pillow guy about this... wait!!!! isn't Lindell from MN? let's get a rumor going that he's buying Cat and going to change the name to My Snowmobile
  5. heated? how posh... edit: looks to me as the seat foam for 24's and 25's are both part# 0717-232 and the covers are different. is the heating element part of the cover? 24&25 ZR & Riot 0717-232 24&25 M 0717-231 so idk wtf makes people think the seats are softer on 2025's... unless they changed foam density during production and never changed the part number. but I'm doubtful of that currently...
  6. have you missed the crying and excuse making in articles like this and the comments about how expensive new sleds are and how some folks consistently say this has become a rich man's sport? seems everyone is a f'ng victim these days... also, do yourself a favor and watch it with the entitled children shit...
  7. the video is a bit hokey as the F7 and Zuke 800 are both modded and the Lysts are stockers. would be more interesting to see stock ones (but a CTech 8000) line up on snow. just slice a hole in the gauntlet for the lever...
  8. take the cover off, core out a few 1/2" holes with a piece of PVC pipe where your ass gets parked so the foam can compress when sat on. probably not seems most likely HATERS!!!! I heard a rumor of a brand new 858 that's waiting for parts which aren't available...
  9. looks like you already have your hands full with @Snake shouldn't you brown shirts all get along?
  10. effsebben we have the highest amount of personal debt in this country ever seen before... because some people just gotta have the truck, the trailer, the sled, the SXS, the boat, etc., etc. etc. debt slaves (whom I was referring to)... just want shit, don't typically care what the real cost is... but I guess it's okydoky as they're supporting the manufacturers. Household Debt Ticks Up to $17.94 Trillion; Delinquency Rates Remain Elevated https://www.newyorkfed.org/microeconomics/hhdc debt slaves gotta debt slave...
  11. wrong how exactly? can you get an 858 replacement engine right now if need be?
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