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Crnr2Crnr last won the day on July 25

Crnr2Crnr had the most liked content!

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  1. I'm all in for Trump 2024 MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN last thread for the week
  2. pissed? hardly making him uncomfortable? pretty much a 180 on everything though hypocrite
  3. do learn everything from TrumpArea? now that you're retired maybe you should finish high school
  4. Idk if Bhen or Jimmy the Chameleon is going to win the day but this thread is a WINNER!!!!!
  5. I think you have dimentia Let's see if we can get back your memory
  6. time for new material? That's right, you tell these fucking racist crackers!!!
  7. big GOV subsidies, higher prices for the consumers and HUGE corporate profits!!! #winningwithTrump CHANGEyourMIND2024
  8. ahh yes, how could we forget Trump's America or the rambunctious tourists
  9. hE fiNaLLy drAinEd dUH sWaMp
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