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snoughnut last won the day on December 2 2022

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    Titletown USA


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  1. The media needs to burn. The only credential that Kamala Harris truly has is ………….”Boner Czar”
  2. Jesus Christ, she doesn’t understand the point Lester is making? Way to go Democrats, I hope she’s the nominee. She’ll get destroyed any way but even more so if voters see this clip.
  3. It’s pathetic, Democrats are dirtbags. It’s kind of like you invite one of your Democrat friends to your birthday party and upon arrival they announce they bought you a fine bottle of whiskey and by the time the party is over they drank it all and you’re stuck with the empty bottle.
  4. Wrong, she looked stoned because she doesn’t have a clue and neither do you. She resigned when she should have been fired the day after the assassination attempt happened.
  5. What do you mean ass whoopin? Shtoopid Shteve said she stonewalled the offensive quite well.
  6. Oh look, a trifecta of stupidity, well done. Now kindly fuck off…….make it 3 times actually.
  7. Only Shtoopid Shteve could come up with that. His wife has to feed him, no way he can feed himself.
  8. My god you’re a retard. Do you think the FBI is going to find anything other than colossal failure on her part? She didn’t stonewall shit, she got her ass handed to her because she’s an incompetent failure. Allowing an idiot armed with a rifle to get on a roof within 150 yds. of a former president and then get shots off is pure failure.
  9. You’re another clown who needs to pull his head out of his ass. While not prefect, the Trump admin. was far superior to the pile of dog shit we’ve experienced the last 3.5 years. No BS Climate Change, No Transgender Retardation, No Free for all at the Border. Biden admin. is a colossal failure. The problem is pansies like you are hung up on Trump’s personality instead of his policies which were fantastic.
  10. You have your head rammed way up your ass and it’s been there for quite some time. The current crop of Dems are pure elitist scum and Communist scum at that. You can’t see it for obvious reasons that I pointed out in the first sentence.
  11. Because birds of a feather, flock together. Shteve is a retard and he relates well to other retards and Kamala is no exception.
  12. Good god you’re a retard, you make Kamala look intelligent. Here’s a small hint for you, Americans don’t give a shit about the BS you’re spewing. American voters will not be forgetting any time soon how bad the elitist Dems fucked them in the pocketbook and that’s a fact.
  13. It was the perfect description for you and your Communist ilk. Anything else pantsshitter?
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