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  2. Trump in the debates said he is a proponent of leaving abortion up to the states as states rights. He did nothing in his first term to eliminate abortions. that is how you know project 2025 is a made up democrat fake hit piece.
  3. Trump in the debates said he is a proponent of leaving abortion up to the states as states rights. He did nothing in his first term to eliminate abortions. that is how you know project 2025 is a made up democrat fake hit piece.
  4. Trump in the debates said he is a proponent of leaving abortion up to the states as states rights. He did nothing in his first term to eliminate abortions. that is how you know project 2025 is a made up democrat fake hit piece.
  5. What do you know about Musk trying to duplicate WeChat? Massive data collection system on users. Sounds rather deep state to me.
  6. President Harris is gonna drive the right CRAZY
  7. Fuc your morals......Harris supported the rioters a few years ago. And has basically supported Hamas.... although she is trying to distance herself from herself over this matter now . Just garbage
  8. It looked more like a mini version of a maxi pad
  9. You don’t care about anything. You have no morals. You’ve got this weird idea that there is something to win by accepting everything Trump does no matter how criminal.
  10. They like elitist, deep state and dictators when they tell them what they want to hear.
  11. Trumps weaponization of scotus will turn around and bite him in the ass if Kamala wins.
  12. Harris is polling much better than Biden. She's ahead or tied in most the battleground state polls.
  13. Yup.... don't trust our government one iota after the bogus cover ups (laptop) and weaponization of DOJ ,FBI Rigged to the maxx
  14. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/-not-going-back-never-trump-republicans-embrace-harris-top-cop-persona-rcna163747
  15. No offense, buch uuuve lost yer fricken mind!
  16. Do you think I care if he knew anything about it?.....fraid not.
  17. Trump in a speech claimed not to know anything about it. That was lie number 1. Then when he figured out only half the Trumpsters were dumb enough to believe that he changed his lie.
  18. Awesome........he knows what is right for this country....I won't second guess
  19. And yet you can't refute it... SBYL
  20. I guess Republicans deserve it because of all the dumb shit they accuse Democrats of doing. But this is just so out there.
  21. Again I ask ....why is Trump not in agreement with many of the items in 2025? The question was not if Trump knew anything. Trump is his own man....he will do what he wants.......all the indicators of a very strong leader.
  22. It was on Twitter, that’s how you know it’s true!
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