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  2. The only power tool your familiar with is the vibrator stuck in your ass.
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  4. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C-hXPAqIeTG/?igsh=MTJob2x6djQ1ZW8zNA==
  5. I commend what they did and wish they did more, but clearly should have done more to Kamala. Candidates cannot give bullshit talking points without being checked. Regardless, she performed better without a doubt.
  6. As a total outsider to these circle jerks, this faggot AK440 ruins this site. Every time you log in his stupid ass posts are there. Kind of like the Jim guy used to be.
  7. That procedure is basically an inducement of labor. Why the fuck do they bother murdering the baby if they're just going to induce the mother at a point where the child is viable and likely to survive without any issues? Why not give the kid up for adoption at that point? Please, someone on the left, explain why this is acceptable. @SnowRider @Mainecat anyone? Seriously, I'm not calling you guys out to be a dick. I'm wondering how this is acceptable, in any party platform.
  8. I'll say this in terms you'll understand. I know you are so what am i.....lol
  9. Look in the mirror. You'll see another one.
  10. Evidently a President once said the buck stops here. Trump somehow thinks you will believe that he had nothing to do with Jan 6. “they just asked me to show up and give a speech”.
  11. They both are bad candidates that lie. Thank you for pointing out the obvious.
  12. Zamboni should be keeping track. Where is that peckerhead? We need last week's TDS thread tally to see who won that short-bus occupied contest.....
  13. Look at how Kamala looks at him when he talks about people eating cats. She either looks sorry for him or maybe sad for America.
  14. now you can go jerkoff to it you fucken weirdo
  15. dude you got to be one of the dumbest mf'ers i've ever seen on a forum of any kind
  16. FFS look on the internet and you'll see exactly what the issues are. nope you stunned fucks just look one-way and that's good enough. Numourse other website are calling out the lies kammy was spouting
  17. Tracking implants for everyone!! Just think of all the problems MAGA complains about that could be solved!!!
  18. Commission on Presidential Debates Co-Founder and Co-Chair Frank J. Fahrenkopf Jr. said, “I thought one of the things that really shocked me last night was the way the moderators handled it. We always explain to our moderators, and we’ve done 33 of those, Greta, starting back in 1988, that their job is to be facilitators. They’re not to get involved themselves. It’s different than if you had someone on your show and you asked them a question and they answered it in a different way than they said a month before, you would correct them. But moderators are not supposed to do that. A debate is between the candidates, not a debate between the candidate and the moderators. And these moderators, so far as I was concerned, it was the worst performance that I’ve seen. And I’ve — as I said, I’ve done 33 of these things over the years. I don’t know what their thoughts were, but they clearly were oversized, I think, on the way they treated the former President and the way they treated the present Vice President, I think they bent backwards to help her.”
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