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  2. Or, I get more back in rebates than I pay in carbon tax and the budget will balance itself.
  3. "Taking over!!!!"
  4. OH! Big city shithole chess! I'll play! -All supplies going in via federal and state highways, airways and waterways immediantly cease. Your turn. Crap. This selective info has been debunked for some time. It's liberal rag narrative fodder.
  5. Listening to TDSers is akin to listening to the Alphabet community on child care.
  6. Sounds like a Canadian problem to me. Why are they so dependant on other nations? Canada: America's "Plus one".
  7. Canadian TDS is raging! I'm laughing. Who fucking cares?
  8. Hyper inflation may happen. If the man follows thru on his word it should me no income taxes as well.
  9. and have increased market share at a pretty good clip since you data. The EV share of sales in Q3 hit 8.9%. https://www.coxautoinc.com/market-insights/q3-2024-ev-sales/
  10. Peace thru strength baby! Trump's got this
  11. Who used to be a Dem but saw the light.........there, ya happy?......no mention of queers....well til now. And to be honest, his explanation is as good as any that we've heard to date.
  12. Nothing has changed for the majority of Americans based on any presidential decisions. That’s what’s great about our system: they can’t change things at will. We aren’t a monarchy.
  13. Helicopter. Machine gun. Done. This isn’t tough.
  14. Lumber prices will skyrocket in the US.... Canada mills a lot of US timber ...our mills have been uncompetitive due to taxes & closing down ... Basic supply & demand....it's going to hurt the United States consumer and our logging industry which exports to Canada.
  15. WTF is Lying LILLEY saying
  16. nope.but 4 more years of these lib fruits definitely won't
  17. yes, because the pentagon are quick to share all there intelligence with the public.
  18. Trumpies will believe it and beg for more military spending.
  19. You’d be dumb enough to believe Trump.
  20. More military spending for Space X
  21. You thought kamala was going to win... "I pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the United States of America........"
  22. It’s a bullshit rumor started by a right wing nutjob congressman from South Jersey.
  23. What are you going to do when you have to start pledging allegiance to the red, white and blue... Welcome to Trumplandia,,,,:lmao:
  24. They sure as hell aren’t going to make top wage earners pay more.
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