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  • Location
    monadnock region NH


  • Current Sled
    11 mxz 800

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  1. My deductible is 6500 max out of pocket is ridiculous this is basically me unless you’re dead put some tussen on it lol
  2. lol 2k is pretty damn good you’d probably have a heart attack with my shit policies out of pocket
  3. Oh it’s definitely old as shit 55 probably lol. I’d also guess few under that age on here actually buy new.
  4. Average snowmobiler age is I think 54 now so I’ll give it another 7 years until we lose another manufacturer.
  5. The two tone breaks it up and looks better to me than just all baby blue👍. All personally preference it just wouldn’t be my first choice (I chose highland green for my old truck when I redid it 🫣 😂)
  6. Yes…that’s the video I was talking about he did a good job comparing I thought and even used some of the same exact truck being sold multiple times in short time frame. Those crew cab fords get crazy money. That truck be a dream Godzilla crew cab other than the color not a huge fan but still a beauty.
  7. Haha yup pretty much. Preseason stuff I thought I could slack off doing this fall but it was running like shit so guess not. Cleaned carbs and drained gas amongst other maintenance stuff. Pilots were clogged shut.
  8. He probably would have got that a year ago the market for classics has cooled off a lot. I watch a pretty good YouTube video about classic truck sales and how they peaked about a year ago wish I could remember who it was from it was pretty good.
  9. Did some stuff last night thought about rinsing it off for once but that’s little to much work.
  10. Sister in-laws house was evacuated not burned down yet but guess fires close enough to make them leave. She’s in pasadena.
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