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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/08/2022 in all areas

  1. I am so fucking mad about this. She hates this country and all it stands for. To get her out is fucking terrible. To trade that CONVICTED ARMS DEALER for her is FUCKING TREASON!!!
    9 points
  2. Who was killed by the people at the capital? Oh that's right a cop shot and killed an unarmed female veteran.
    5 points
  3. Haha..love this… "One of my favorite Bowman stories involves the Sunday afternoon he invited my then four-year-old son, Griffin, into his office to watch an NHL game on TV. Scotty was watching a St. Louis vs. Boston game in his office and I was in the training room receiving treatment for an injury. Scotty had his door open and Griffin wandered in and started watching the game. I could hear Griffin asking him all kinds of questions, and Scotty answered them all the way a grandfather would talk to his grandson. It reminded me of my own conversations with my late grandfather when we watched golf together years before. They had been talking for about 20 minutes when (assistant coach Barry) Smith came down the hallway after taking a shower. He was wrapped in a towel and ready to head into the coaching room. As he was about to go in, Scotty jumped up and grabbed the door and yelled, ”Fuck off, Barry, I’m finally in here talking with someone who knows the game.” Then Scotty slammed the door." - Darren McCarty. Source: "My Last Fight: The True Story of a Hockey Rock Star"
    4 points
  4. My brother has a mint 2001 srx 700 , sled absolutely sings when its out there but my fuck does my back hurt after riding it for a few miles.
    4 points
  5. My brother bought a 99 XC 500 before power valves, and the thing ran like complete garbage until I changed the pilot jets and dropped the needles one clip. Put over 10k on that sled after he gave it to me at 1100 miles, and the guy I sold it to has put another 2500 on it without touching the motor. It was pig rich from the factory, but those small changes woke that thing up nicely. (I know, this isn't your normal ALL CAT conversation anymore!) I really liked this thing back in the day - smooth twisty northern Sconnie trails were always a blast!
    4 points
  6. Ya they call him "The Merchant of Death" I am sure he got that name for selling kittens..... Fucking retards here. Shoulda let that bitch rot.
    4 points
  7. Ovulation is a good thing, it means they're horny., shooting yotes may be a turn on. Menstruating is what you need to be concerned about.
    3 points
  8. I have a 2003 800 XCR and a 2003 Edge/XCR 800 the XCR handles like it's on rails but not a big bump machine, the edge rides better but not as fast top end and a little more tippy than the XCR. I sold my IQR with the 800 triple better ride in the bumps but not near the high speed handling.
    3 points
  9. My fave Scotty story was a one liner said by a player when asked what’s it like to play for Scotty. You absolutely hate the guy 364 days a year, and on the 365th day you pick up your ring.
    3 points
  10. Ben is off his meds again today. I’m sorry that life seems to have served you up a bowl of shit soup. It’s never too late to change careers or move to a better place and make your life happier. As bad as things are right now in this country, it’s because we have let the inmates take over the asylum, and it still remains the best place on earth. If you don’t think so we’ll go to where you think it’s better. Or kill yourself. Your choice 😊🖕
    3 points
  11. no matter what game i am hunting, if i see a coyote, it turns into a coyote hunt
    3 points
  12. Yeah they will turn them in if asked.
    3 points
  13. If character mattered, Biden wouldn't be president, along with half of congress. What a stupid thread.
    3 points
  14. Merry Christmas..................................... And fuck your feelings................
    3 points
  15. serious question. Do you physically squat to piss? I mean, who actually thinks about this kind of shit?
    3 points
  16. I had a 2002 ZR8 Cross Country in black…great sled.👊🏻❄️
    2 points
  17. Bogo special on 2 sleds that don’t run
    2 points
  18. most carbed polaris sleds were fat as fuck. let it idle and it burbles like crazy when you go to take off. the 600s used to get 400 mains and 1 size down on pilot. different machine after that
    2 points
  19. just serviced an early 2000s sxr 600. carbs stolen when new and never ridden since. has 89 miles on it. used carbs and it runs perfect. just serviced an 05 xc500 with 500 miles on it. another cream puff. amazing how something so old can be so nice and new stuff can be shot. all in the care.
    2 points
  20. EXACTLY - but that is definitely NOT how they have been talking about it. They have mentioned they would be willing to surrender taxing SS benefits, which Sconnie already does. That might keep me from moving your direction when I retire... but they have said that's "Only" about $500M in revenue, and those lawmakers in charge of it are NOT in favor of it, despite 81% of the public polled being in favor of it. 68% want some sort of a refund, which NONE of the lawmakers are even willing to discuss. Personnally I'd like to see actual tax CUTS, but we all know that will never happen...
    2 points
  21. Looks like you guys south might see something the next couple days.
    2 points
  22. Meanwhile a U.S. Marine rots in a Russian penal camp. Not one word about that from any of you jagoffs. Disgusting. Not sure who I’m more disgusted by, Biden or you guys. The man’s health is failing and he needs to come home. His seat on the plane needs to be first in line. As for the arms dealer, he delivered weapons to US troops in Iraq. So there’s that.
    2 points
  23. So you proved without a doubt that: -the vax causes AIDS -Covid and the vax were engineered by Bill Gates -the vax has caused millions to die -Pfizer started trials on Covid-19 testing in 2017 -Nadal's cramps in 2011 were from the vax -there is a global plan and every government in the world is on it ....I could go on, but so far you haven't proved anything other than you are bat shit crazy.
    2 points
  24. I would guess most owner ops aren't but, the company drivers probly are.
    2 points
  25. I sold my Sanger Hydro 3-4 years ago, but it had hit 124 in the liquid 1/4 mile at Barney Island, cops clocked me over 140 on the Lake I lived on.
    2 points
  26. Governments around the world call citizens of adversary countries all sorts of things. Merchant of Death is likely made up by the US government tbh. Looks how much death machines we gave Ukraine, Iraq, Afghanistan and every UN and nato member in the world. For fuck sakes we sell F35’s to countries.
    2 points
  27. If you ever met Brittany She would cut ur dick off and say get on your knees white bitch and kiss my black goddess feet you pathetic Cuck.
    2 points
  28. Jim Morrison born 79 yrs ago today
    2 points
  29. There's still a few here that missed the memo, like even though it was tied to a brick that whizzed over their head....I don't give a shit whether you hate Trump or not, what Twitter did to the Republicans in 2020 got my attention, and now all bets are off on these corrupt cocksuckers. The worst part is how many are still carrying the leftists water.
    2 points
  30. If character mattered the last 5 presidents wouldn't have been president.
    2 points
  31. Just keep moving folks nothing to see here. just a bunch of stupid, old cocksuckers slobbing on Brandon's knob
    2 points
  32. Another test and tune session tonight. Making progress, it's finally ripping. For a while I was extremely close to scrapping it and putting the old motor back in PXL_20221208_025704560.mp4
    2 points
  33. That really rings true....my last dog lived to almost 19. I want to get another but am making sure the new pup has a good home in case it outlives me at this point.
    2 points
  34. I dealt with a little of this with my daughter last year. She was 14. I noticed she had cut her arm on two separate occasions. Just small cuts/scratches. I have never really had to discipline her. She’s a fantastic kid. I came uncunted though which was probably the wrong reaction but I couldn’t help it. I could see the shame on her face. I never shamed her over it again and asked her several days later how she was feeling and if she had felt like hurting herself anymore. She said absolutely not and it would never happen again and to my knowledge that phase passed quickly and hasn’t been an issue.
    2 points
  35. Problem is the data is flawed. How many of these sudden death cases have truly been investigated? I'm not saying common but there are all kinds of questionable health occurrences going on...whether they are related to the vaccine or whatever we will never know because they would never be honest with us. The real question like Fauci said in an interview years ago....vaccine trials are one thing but the real risk with them is what might happen 10+ years down the road. He even talked about the risk with this vaccine causing an enhanced immune response.
    2 points
  36. I wonder what we would say if there was a minus sign in front of that number? I agree that it feels like they are playing with our money already partially paid. - The last part based on the "biennium" nature of budgets. Obviously some of the bucks rolled in from the feds and that helped the numbers grow. But, I'm sure there is a long list of people waiting with their hands open while somebody is ready to start writing checks. We can sit around bitching and pretending there is no plan. It's foolish. There are tons of people with plans. I feel like it's our job to make sure those one time and legacy programs don't get all the air time. Right now, they are. The next budget proposal is mandated to be released by the end of Jan. We can sit around and complain until then, and complain more after the proposal is public. Or, we can actually do something. My time is split between two parts of this state. Outstate and metro. I'm not a fan of the metro, but it's my reality of life. I choose to spend as much time outstate as I can. I will note that there is a big contrast in how people deal with big issues. When problems arise outstate, people generally buckle down and get it done. I like that approach. In the metro, people get organized, get in front of decision makers, and get money to get things done. I hate to say it, but the outstate crowd is missing an opportunity if they don't play in this round. There are big bucks at stake and the metro crowd is already in the game. It's our time (outstate) to speak up, do something, and affect the outcome.
    2 points
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