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EvilBird last won the day on March 19

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About EvilBird

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    '17 Pro-S Switchback 800

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  1. That sucks man. I always had high hopes for this site after HCS went to shit. Knew there was a reason I haven't even thought of this joint in awhile
  2. Stalker Steve on the prowl Fucking loser unreal.
  3. Haha now You too ? First time I have logged on here in Months. Thank god I havent had the pleasure to hear another one of his goober ass "cyber bullying" tactic meltdowns. What a worthless angry ass poser "conservative "/ "Sledder" 🤣
  4. I knew from the get go he was no real conservative . Not even a free thinker. I dont care if you hate Trump but at least recognize the Democrat party today are filthy Globalist, big corporation, War loving Neocons. Not even close to the true Democrats from years ago.
  5. Doing the same thing to RFK . Did the same thing to Bernie. democracy
  6. Still hoping the Jab kills em off sooner than later . Its happening.
  7. You donate to the Global effort everyday is my guess
  8. cOnSpIrAcY tHeOrIsT unreal Are all you people here google bots?
  9. The best the cheating Dem cult has to offer America is a goddamn joke .
  10. Yeah well he's always been a little bitch he just grew some legs after being here surrounded by Snowretard and Mainecuck his true colors have shown. Just another useless spoiled white American. Ill take any illegal immigrant Biden let in over Him . All is good my Man, been hustling like crazy lately money has been good, but finally off for 6 days for vaca . Hope you are doing well too!
  11. Because White middle age Trump hating Men are as useless as tits on a bull. Snowrider and Steve are proof we have way too many spoiled stupid fucks like them. No brain all emotion .
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