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Not greg b

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About Not greg b

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  • Location
    Maybe Wisconsin


  • Current Sled
    One you can’t get parts for

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  1. They bought a new dyno last year. So I can probably make 3k on it
  2. You know what is funny I had customer call today and said I need to order some snow equipment. I said aren’t you over stocked? He goes yeah but I need to fill holes to make money where I don’t have the products to sell. Once it snows the inventory will go away. Same can be said for snow shovels at Walmart
  3. The funny thing is, he was asking about a service lift. The retards in that group thought he meant make the sled taller. He posted in a different group and got actual answers about a service lift.
  4. Not greg b

    C8 ZR1

    So it will run with a Tesla.
  5. He literally said what he did. Maybe you should call him and tell him he is full shit. He even said the air plane full of parts was useless because of weather.
  6. Sno cross just upped their game. The Canadian’s are going to be off the chain this season
  7. I am no expert but could global warming be caused by developing vacant land, building more paved roads houses ect and not what a fucking a car or snowmobile does?
  8. I was hoping they would have got into more of what they did to make themselves better than the competition. How involved was arctic cat engineering and to what capacity. Ect. He did answer those questions but it was very vague and the questions weren't very probing. His answer was like I would walk across the street and they would answer any question I had. And I had them doing side jobs at night grind ports for me.
  9. Do you know how old the interviewer is? I had the same feelings but a lot of his questions seemed geared towards the time when Tim was about done the business. I think he might have been too young to experience the hard core zr days and before, so he didnt ask the right questions. I watched the Corey Davis one right after it and the interviewer had a lot better questions and seemed to have a ton more knowledge of the sport post 2000
  10. Watched cdsix interview. Prep work to the win the iron dog was putting a spare oil cap in his pocket. And it is pretty much a trail ride majority of the way as it is the only way. Getting the sled to run on 87 was the biggest problem because cat doesn’t care to make one run on it.
  11. I am waiting to see who they run. Dumb bitch isnt nominated. I bet the rail road her and run newson and whitmore
  12. Usually are. I know if I spent about 30k I could get my car close to that on a dyno. But then you run into the issue braking everything else on the car.
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