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sleepybrew last won the day on January 5

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  • Location
    hudson valley ny


  • Current Sled
    2021 xcr 850

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  1. man i hope for your sake it does. we are killing it here. only issue now is it snows on the days i want to ride. we have been having old fashioned 90s style whiteouts on rte 12. few weeks back guy next to me is crashing. hit guardrails , sliding and hitting over and over. thankfully someone above was watching out for me and he missed us. another friend had a guy coming the other way lose the axle out of a 2 place. axle and tires bounced across in frt of him. yikes!
  2. come back the legal way and don't think we forgot about the first time
  3. i'll check tuggers and the other bars for charging stations...
  4. wait a minute. weren't we told it's only lake effect ?
  5. and nothing "snapped" when trudy was gonna send all your guns to ukraine?
  6. we did the clothesline routine a few times. then putting the cover on running. got us 2 weeks in a row. dealer was to have done but of course that didn't happen. we did the tip on side method and that worked once. but then it was on the rh side of the trailer and the tipping is a pain in the ass. he doesn't want to get stuck or have to be towed by a polaris. even though i owe him one i rather not tow that tank
  7. ny conditions are stellar. had to sit the weekend out , buddies ski dog not starting. cheap fucks remove the pull rope and cost us rides in the process. my polaris starter may sound like shit but it works. and if it doesn't pull the rope.
  8. this was 2 weeks ago. last week it was touching signs. this week gone. better watch out for those!
  9. parts changers. my buddies ski doo wouldn't crank last week. he calls dealer to see if he still has warranty. without even seeing it he says it needs starter AND drive. but he only keeps the starter. come on now, both parts bad? i was concerned because when it just spun it had 12.0 volts. he changed battery and when it did it this week , once again 12.0 , even 11.8. we were told to lay it on it's side so the drive sort of falls out. it started. i still feel the voltage is a concern. so now it's getting both parts. if it does it after that my buddy is gonna explode. and i'm getting video this time!
  10. whatever is fixed will circle back around anyway
  11. many just rip the shit off and scrap it. gonna be a bad day if it becomes required. had one the other day, needed both def feed lines that have heaters in them. 406.00 each. he declined and took it.
  12. i am not in favor of deleting . every time one of those comes in it stinks so bad we can't get it out of the building. shit gives me a headache. i have customers laugh when i complain to them. oh yeah? think it's funny? wait and see how long it is before i give you another appointment. not funny after that and i'm not kidding
  13. i tell people remmeber the black cloud that used to come out. imagine managing that to no soot in the length of a truck. lot going on under there.
  14. that is a fact. the more they change these systems the more it breaks. many just delete anyway , which may come home to roost some day. and of course right now is when they have nothing to fix it.
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