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About sleepybrew

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  • Location
    hudson valley ny


  • Current Sled
    2021 xcr 850

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  1. basically a hummer ev . we have two of those right now that no one wants. especially at 140k !
  2. i was looking for a griddle for camping, bought a blackstone tailgater combo. it was on sale for 239.00. i put it together last night , about the biggest piece of shit i have ever seen. paint in the threads, made crooked, welds a joke, rust , lid doesn't close unless you latch it , latch gonna rip off, scratches all over, every bracket is crooked, whole thing looks like a 5 year old made it, and probably did. i see lots of others with the same issues. i should have looked . one corner of the lid tore when the formed it, they bent the sharp edge in and sent it. this piece of shit is not going to last long, and i won't be sad to throw it in the scrap pile.
  3. i wonder if that was a biden event, would the roof have been open like that
  4. i have been hiding from the heat. i rode with the grandkids last week in a campground , lots of miles in the heat. i have been skipping riding with the boys though.
  5. ours was 3 cans , upper 2 with the bottom cut out. the nail was an inch from the bottom to support the ball. went way higher than that dude. my buddy had a spud gun that was ridiculous
  6. we had all kinds of m80s and blockbusters. blew up all kinds of shit. we fixed a motorcycle for the guy that has all the fireworks stands here. he said come on over, i have some special stuff for you. i asked "got any m80s?". i thought he was gonna run! he said "m80s!!??!!!" i can get 10 years in jail for those! in ny you an't have stuff that goes bang. not at the legal spots. sure there is plenty of bangers around black market. anyone ever tape the 3 tennis ball cans together, put a nail across the bottom , make a small hole. add denatured alcohol , drop in the ball, light the hole. ball will go out of sight.
  7. If you hate roots you would be pissed at the number of roots we have. I just blow right through them. Unless they are wet , then it takes a little getting the feeling, and more planning the approach. We have little in the way of smooth or even beginners trails. Catskill mountains are unforgiving.
  8. my buddy was taking a shower , his wife runs in "hank , a fox has our cat". he runs out in a towel , ends up doing hand to hand combat with the fox. gets the cat free , the fox was so fast it grabbed it again. hank is a black belt and punched the shit out of it till it finally let go. he comes out of the woods with the cat, his wife laughs, he did it all bare ass naked!
  9. i like many on here have been the guy crying on the dog. i think you said it, takes a part of your soul every time.
  10. we felt nothing here. we use automate for a dealer system. rigid you need a quote on a gm part hit me up. i doubt you do...
  11. we have a shitload of black bears right now. maybe he should mess with some cubs...
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