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ViperGTS/Z1 last won the day on July 21

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About ViperGTS/Z1

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  1. The media can only hide the real Harris for so long ,........
  2. Enjoy this for maybe another week as the media is propping up the shit on a stick. The right has no worries at all. Watch her numbers fall faster than she can drop to her knees. Remember , she had less than 1% in 2020/.... nobody wants her ... Including her own party. The media is the enemy of the people but will soon fail in their attempt to put lipstick on this pig 🐷
  3. Fukin idiots...... https://www.wltx.com/article/news/nation-world/fbi-trump-struck-by-bullet/507-daf48262-a3d1-480f-85d3-c7acd2c608f5
  4. This whole thing is just being propped up by the media... And the usual suspects suck it up like nectar
  5. Fuc your morals......Harris supported the rioters a few years ago. And has basically supported Hamas.... although she is trying to distance herself from herself over this matter now . Just garbage
  6. Yup.... don't trust our government one iota after the bogus cover ups (laptop) and weaponization of DOJ ,FBI Rigged to the maxx
  7. Do you think I care if he knew anything about it?.....fraid not.
  8. Awesome........he knows what is right for this country....I won't second guess
  9. And yet you can't refute it... SBYL
  10. Again I ask ....why is Trump not in agreement with many of the items in 2025? The question was not if Trump knew anything. Trump is his own man....he will do what he wants.......all the indicators of a very strong leader.
  11. Trump will "dictate" whatever policies he sees fit for our country. .....that is the greatness of someone who will not be bought ....hence why he is so hated by those in power
  12. What part about Trump not agreeing with don't you understand.?
  13. Hate to break it to you guys but there are a lot of Trump supporters........ Contrary to what your beloved MSM is telling you .
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