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ViperGTS/Z1 last won the day on February 6

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About ViperGTS/Z1

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    2009 z1

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  1. Sometimes those people never pay....
  2. Damn..... Wildboer SeaShark
  3. Sounds like you have plans to transition to a woman 👠......double D's ?
  4. Nope..... I won the pool a few years ago. They have the cash. I give 20% back as tip for running the pool. They want me to win...the winner they had last year didn't tip at all.
  5. Absolutely, there is reason to celebrate....... Unlike that deep dark pit you live in... Lmao🤣
  6. Yup... That's what fools do.... brainless
  7. Confirm Kash now is right...... This guy is going to clean house. Can't wait.
  8. Lmao.....holy crap. I never thought common sense would prevail again.
  9. 8D Chess......The guy is a genius. I knew he wasn't serious about Gaza ......he plays the weak on the Uni-Party and here like a fiddle. It's hilarious. Art Of The Deal
  10. The border is all but closed and one of the main things I voted for Trump to correct......keep laughing......fool.
  11. The TDSers Will always complain.......... They just can't help it. 4 years of this nonsense we will be dealing with no matter what 2 weeks in and everything happening in lightning speed..... Yeah I'd say he's done quite a bit, Even much more than my expectations
  12. You are such a fukin downer on absolutely everything.......you think anyone else would have exposed USAID for what it is?.....Christ... It's only been 2 weeks. They ain't nowhere near done yet. ... I guess the brownie points are holding on to his promises made And the mass deportations which are in progress now. Will also be working on no tax on OT no tax on tips and no tax on social security coming up soon
  13. Fuk em.....round em up and send em back. Only watching the bowl for my pool numbers
  14. Confirmed 👍 and paid immediately .....and so has Toolkit in the past. Looks like the only one to stiff me will be Stevie going on 4 months soon and counting ..... Hopefully my Super Bowl pool numbers may hit and offset Stevie not paying.....have very good numbers on my 2 boxes. 7 and 4 on one and 3 and 0 on the other. $200 per box with huge payouts per quarter, half and final. $2500---$5000------$10,000 Final
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