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  1. I heard they're bringing back the F7
  2. that is one instance where domestic violence is warranted...
  3. so they dont do a DOM tube for the crass shaft saver? must be farm store black pipe...
  4. I've never bent that one but I have bent the lower shock mount pretty regularly. I order the snocross sled lower mount and it fixes the problem. If memory serves me correctly the race dept for the I500 (not the gd soo) had suggested replacing that rod years back with a steel alternative, along with replacing the upper steering mount/frame spar junction that is plastic with the SX one.
  5. Ice thickness too , The DNR really monitors it close - the other thing they face in adversity is like in Mclovins situation - nuking an engine and contaminating the ice, or even fuel stops with fuel spillage on the ice.
  6. You know what you don't have to finance.... F7 I think what C2c was referring to is if you are financing sleds and such , your available cash is reduced so you may not afford to trailer to ride, you may not be able to buy a new sled every year or every other etc. Snowmobiling isnt a low buck hobby since theres no guarantee you'll be able to ride it this year or the following. I have a brand new 2023 rxc and a 6 mile 2024 rxc sitting in my shop confirming that. Years past I would have close to 1500 miles on by now.
  7. permits due to lack of snow - Its amazing how much the DNR has their hand in XC racing in Minnesota, After talking with Todd and realizing all the adversity he faces year to year to put on races it blows my mind why people would want to promote or attempt to put on a race there.
  8. You guys better watch what you say... ol rickels will pull out the baddest sled alive on you
  9. I wish my northstarprick account didnt get banned... I could have a blast with that one
  10. And it begins...
  11. Finishing move for internet fights:
  12. Rumor mill is theres a buyer...
  13. I posted the cad and then was told to remove it , its not an assumption. when I dig my sled out I'll measure it out and give actual numbers. Theres a reason everyone is struggling to get the secondary to fully shift out and why the belt dust is everywhere and why even my own sled with 6 miles on it was littered with final drive belt debris - the belt is riding up on the outside edge of the pulley when tensioned.
  14. oh another one calling me dumb sheesh your full of the stingers today.
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