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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/26/2021 in all areas

  1. This is 1 snowplowing customer that will not be getting the "Socialist Surcharge"
    7 points
  2. Pretty sure he said masks weren't necessary early on. Now he's saying double masks. I think a mask lined with a plastic bag is next logical step for some of these folks.
    6 points
  3. This is kayak Karen
    4 points
  4. He's no longer the president but he's also the only person left that will take zero shit from the scumbag political swamp rats still inhabiting the government and hell bent on killing America. https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2021/01/26/316620-n316620 Trump Makes New Move That's the Ultimate Troll, and Liberals Are Already Melting Down By Nick Arama | Jan 26, 2021 1:30 AM ET Share Tweet AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta You gotta hand it to President Donald Trump, he definitely is the master troller and he just drives the left nuts. Trump made an announcement today that was both funny and a bit of a joke at Joe Biden. After the election and before anything was certified, just operating on the call of the media, Biden tried to validate himself more by having a backer behind him in every appearance proclaiming the “Office of the President Elect.” Of course, there is no such “Office.” Today President Trump announced he was creating the ‘Office of the Former President’ in Florida that would be carrying on his administration’s agenda into the future. A statement from Trump’s office said the “Office of the Former President” will be responsible for his “correspondence, public statements, appearances, and official activities.” It also said that it would “advance the interests of the United States and….carry on the agenda of the Trump Administration through advocacy, organizing, and public activism.” And it will immediately be more popular than anything Joe Biden does. Good that someone will be trying to “advance the interests of the United States.” But he’s sending the Democrats a message that he isn’t going away and they haven’t beaten him no matter how hard they’ve continued to try. Liberals are already losing their minds saying there’s no such thing as the “Office of the Former President.” Just like there was no such thing as the “Office of the President-Elect.” Of course, former presidents have set up offices and they are actually paid for as part of provisioning by government. So in a sense yes, there is an office, they just may not have quite used the particular terminology. It’s both an epic troll and a way of setting up his ability to propound his positions and work for Americans. Trump has kept everyone guessing as to what he might do next, with speculation ranging from running his own media company to running again in 2024. That latter possibility is why the Democrats are trying to impeach him now with the trial expected to start the week of Feb. 8. They’re hoping to use taxpayer dollars to knock him out of the race he isn’t yet even running for, with the excuse that it’s really not about politics when that’s all that it’s about. But it’s unlikely the Democrats will be able to get the 2/3 vote they would need. More and more Republicans are blasting the Democrats’ obsession, questioning the purpose at this point as well as the constitutionality of the proceeding including Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC).
    4 points
  5. DO NOT take this shit lightly. Crazy fucks exist on each side of this debate. I hope you daughter and her family remain safe, fuck the extremes of either side!
    4 points
  6. Finally had enough snow to go for the first ride and I went to the only local watering hole surviving in my village thanks to King Cuomo's lockdown bullshit to show my support
    3 points
  7. Just snagged these bad boys. Short cuff. Full leather palm. $50 clearance. I’m a glove whore.
    3 points
  8. Don't know if you got the memo but trump is no longer president. It would seem china isn't very worried about the new admin.
    3 points
  9. 3 points
  10. No the other short, fat old guy with pee stained underwear, toy chainsaws, and a plastic plow.
    3 points
  11. and the sled i sold fri night with 11,000 miles on it shows up lol
    3 points
  12. 2 points
  13. Don't be so fucking xenophobic
    2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. Want to make it $15, you'll see a lot more of these
    2 points
  16. 2 points
  17. We have global leadership and a new US admin that will come out with strong word of admonishment with no balls to follow up. China is going to own Taiwan as the world stands by and watches.
    2 points
  18. Every time there’s a new president he gets tested by a foreign country. Kim did it to Trump the result was they fell in love. Kim just kept building nukes.
    2 points
  19. If Monster Tech can aggressively de-platform businesses and individuals for expressing forbidden opinions, then maybe it’s time for skilled tradesmen to respond in kind against the woke left. Leftists despise working class “deplorables” and seek to punish them for all their disapproved habits – you know - God, guns, motorized vehicles, and voting MAGA. Well, the tradesmen I know are swamped with business right now, so it might be a good time for them to establish their own “terms of service” enabling them to deny services to advocates of cancel culture. We’ve learned from Monster Tech that all you have to do is declare someone’s speech to be “hateful” or state that their speech might “incite violence” to banish someone from receiving service. If a deplorable can be targeted as hate-filled for simply supporting Trump, then a tradesman’s Terms of Service can in turn declare that any visible support for Democrats constitutes hate speech. Broken down on the side of the road with a Bernie or Biden bumper sticker? Sorry – you’re going to have to find a wrecker that employs all 57 genders and declares all their pronouns. But Earl’s 24-Hour Wrecker won’t be towing your car today. Terms of service, you know. Broken down furnace during a deep freeze? Too bad you advocated for a fracking ban on Facebook. That’s a violation of Smith HVAC’s terms of service. It looks like you’ll need to find yourself an HVAC company that can fix you up with 100% renewable energy if you want your heat back on. It’s a shame about that plumbing leak, but your hate-filled “Hate Has No Home Here” sign is a violation of Jones Plumbing’s terms of service. If you’ll just open your backdoor, the leaking water will find its way out. Low on gas in the middle of the desert? That’s a shame, but Last Chance Gas can’t put fuel in your car if it’s going to be spreading the message of hate encompassed by your COEXIST sticker. Can such service be denied? The left is already doing it. My county is relaying updates about Covid vaccinations via Facebook. My town posts winter road updates on Facebook. I can’t express my political views on Facebook or else Mark Zuckerberg might deny me access to life-or-death info regarding roads and vaccines. As the defenders of Monster Tech like to remind us, if I don’t want Facebook banishing me for having the wrong opinion, then I can just go start my own social media monopoly. Well then, it’s not asking too much for the left to go start their own skilled trade services. It shouldn’t have to come to this, but we’re already seemingly here. In addition to the de-platformings by tech companies, some banks are refusing service to gun shop owners, retailers are banishing products from My Pillow, etc. If we can only buy products and services from those within our political tribe, leftists are really going to hate the new rules when they’re in critical need of a skilled tradesman. http://acecomments.mu.nu/?post=392283
    2 points
  20. I have recording cameras all over my property just in case. Crime is extremely low here but there are several Rez nearby and it can get interesting in those communities.
    2 points
  21. groomed perfect yesterday ,100 easy miles for this ol man and no volcano !
    2 points
  22. 2 points
  23. I hope MC is happy with Bidens first week. This is going to be a shit show. He is just getting started. Hold onto your wallet and your guns boys. Its going to get ugly. MC thought Trump was bad. This idiot is going to fuck things up big time! Does MC think it is a good idea to censor the ideas of half the country? The left is cancelling everything. How can this be good! I feel for my kids and grandkid's because the country will be in an uncontrollable downward spiral because of Biden's misguided policies.
    2 points
  24. I have had a special tax worked in to every job I do for knowen liberals for well over a decade now . It had gotten larger and larger to the point I littealy can't believe they take the bid now days
    2 points
  25. Give him a moment, he can be even more idiotic.
    2 points
  26. I already charge them more. You know, because I’m stupid and they’re smart. LOL
    2 points
  27. If brains were dynamite, MC wouldn't have enough to blow his nose.
    2 points
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