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Matt last won the day on February 12 2021

Matt had the most liked content!

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    Chandler AZ


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  1. She won't pick a Jew after that shit she pulled with Bibi in town and afterwards.
  2. Because CNN was instructed to let Biden self-immolate.
  3. Dems: "We must appoint a black female, regardless of qualifications." Reps: "Seems kindof shortsighted, also racist and sexist." Reps: Notice when the person appointed based on immutable characteristics rather than qualifications struggles. Dems: "RACISTS!"
  4. could tell it wasn't her first
  5. Was driving through suburban Milwaukee when traffic was stopped for a motorcade. Bunch of suburbans, included armored, rolled by with a ton of bike cops, a few ambulances, coast guard chopper overhead. She must be in town trying to shore up the black vote.
  6. I'll give you one thing... You're exceptionally programmable. You pick up and parrot the Dem daily talking point like a man a third your age.
  7. He knows who she is. He was told by his dem/media programming that she's no longer welcome.
  8. Trump came out against Project 2025 in the past week. Fuckwits like MC forget that Trump was president already and didn't do any of zany shit they're all fearmongering he's going to do.
  9. There was a better way to leave though.
  10. About to do the annual "offsettin o' the EV benefits" by towing my RV trailer across America with my Gas V8 HD pickup. LOL Can't be worse than 2 years ago when it was like 5 bills/gallon.
  11. Would also backfire for the Dems. The Biden/Harris war chest is non-tranferrable. That's a few hundred million bucks that a Newsom or Whitmer wouldn't be able to touch. Biden's family won't let him step out. They've been capitalizing on the Biden name by peddling influence for 40 years and have made millions from it. Can't kill the golden goose, even if he dies in his next term...
  12. Matt


    This was all planned. Biden won't step aside on his own. Jill won't let him. They had to let him go down in flames, and do so early enough to regroup behind someone else at the convention. Trump missed a huge opportunity last night too. Instead of just saying how great things were, he could have spelled out a couple policies to demonstrate a little command of the situation. The whole thing was sad. We have to fix the primary system...
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