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Kivalo last won the day on May 10 2022

Kivalo had the most liked content!

About Kivalo

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    Eastern Fingerlakes Region


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    2022 XCR 650

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  1. We need momo back. His childish nicknames for everyone were absolutely hilarious!
  2. Yeah he isn't draining any swamp or making any huge changes. Just more pandering.
  3. I cant rhink of any left leaning group that can support what shes done as a prosecutor.
  4. That's bullshit! If we dont pick one over the other our system of democracy will completely fall apart! The world depends on us picking a republican or a democrat !!
  5. The Left for sure has no reason to support her...assuming they look
  6. Is this the same Newsweek that gave Trump a 16% chance of victory and Hilary an 84% chance of victory? That Newsweek?
  7. These days but those that profit from the division dont care what side it originates feom.
  8. Almost certainly. Trump fist pumps the crowd after being shot and Biden can barely formulate a sentence.
  9. I knew it was just a mayter of time.
  10. Just so we're clear, he aint no Theodore Roosevelt. So lets dispell with the comparisons before they even start.
  11. The NYT is a dishonest, pathetic excuse of a rag. Trump may very well be unfit to lead but by the metric posted below so is 90% of the elected leadership, including Joe Biden. Yet only Trump gets called out. The Times is on par with The View. Mr. Trump is animated by a thirst for political power: to use the levers of government to advance his interests, satisfy his impulses and exact retribution against those who he thinks have wronged him.”
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