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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/04/2022 in all areas

  1. He has some great music, too bad he thinks that he is smarter than most.
    4 points
  2. North Korean internet outages caused by lone US hacker seeking payback Bryan Ke Thu, February 3, 2022, 5:46 PM A U.S. man has reportedly managed to single-handedly take down most of North Korea's websites from the comfort of his living room after the hermit nation allegedly targeted him with a cyber attack last year. The hacker, only identified by his handle P4x, took matters into his own hands after the U.S. government failed to provide help following the North Korean cyber attack in late January 2021, according to Wired. Speaking to the media outlet, P4x recalled how a fellow hacker sent him an exploitation tool containing a “backdoor designed to provide a remote foothold on his computer.” The following day, he saw saw a report posted by the Google Threat Analysis Group on Jan. 25, 2021. He used his new tool and discovered that North Korea had targeted his computer. Although he reported the incident to the FBI, the bureau allegedly failed to provide help and open an investigation into the attack. “There’s really nobody on our side,” P4x said about the situation at the time. However, P4x took matters into his own hands when he did not hear any statements from the federal government for a year. The American hacker reportedly targeted North Korea’s internet throughout the past two weeks. Some of the websites that suffered intermittent outages include the Air Koryo booking site and Kim Jong-un's government's official portal, Naenara. “It felt like the right thing to do here. If they don’t see we have teeth, it’s just going to keep coming,” P4x told Wired. “I want them to understand that if you come at us, it means some of your infrastructure is going down for a while.” P4x reportedly took advantage of the vulnerabilities he discovered in North Korea’s internet and automated several “Denial of Service” (DoS) attacks. A DoS is a type of cyber attack that forces a network to become inaccessible by inundating the target with traffic or exploiting vulnerabilities that trigger a crash. Junade Ali, a cybersecurity researcher, was observing the “mysterious, mass-scale attacks on the country's internet” and told Wired that P4x’s attacks had effectively taken out all of the websites hosted in North Korea throughout various periods. P4x told Wired that he considers his attacks to be similar to a “small-to-medium pentest (penetration test),” a type of whitehat hacking activity he has done for previous clients who need to identify the vulnerabilities of their networks. “It's pretty interesting how easy it was to actually have some effect in there,” he said. While P4x mentioned that North Korea has vulnerabilities in its network, the hacker declined to name any specifics, arguing that doing so could assist North Korea in finding ways to strengthen its cyber defenses. Martyn Williams, a 38 North Project researcher, noted that dozens of the websites P4x constantly targets are mainly “used for propaganda and other functions aimed at an international audience.” But Williams argued that the hackers who attacked P4x last year were probably operating overseas, most likely in China. “I would say, if he's going after those people, he's probably directing his attentions [sic] to the wrong place,” Williams said. “But if he just wants to annoy North Korea, then he is probably being annoying.” P4x plans to go even bigger by enlisting “more hacktivists to his cause with a dark website he launched Monday called the FUNK Project — i.e. ‘FU North Korea.’” “This is a project to keep North Korea honest,” the website states. “You can make a difference as one person. The goal is to perform proportional attacks and information-gathering in order to keep NK from hacking the western world completely unchecked.” Featured Image via Getty Images / Dmitry Nogaev
    3 points
  3. 3 points
  4. Plus she followed the science and the constitution during the entire “pandemic” and never locked down
    3 points
  5. I'd take her any day of the week & twice on Sunday over the douche we've got in MN.
    3 points
  6. Kristi Noem .... she's got the looks AND brains. Hell, she even seems to have a set of balls since she isn't afraid to do stuff like this (which should be the standard, not the exception).
    3 points
  7. NEWS | LOCAL Spooner man fuels up snowmobile, wins $1M lottery Daniel Bellefeuille purchased the winning ticket at the Spooner Marathon station. Daniel Bellefeuille and his partner, Cathy Stoklasa, hold the $1 million prize check he won in the Jan. 17 Powerball lottery drawing. Bellefeuille was gassing up his snowmobile at the Marathon station in Spooner, Wis., when he decided to buy the ticket. Contributed / Wisconsin Lottery February 03, 2022 11:07 AM SHARE FACEBOOK TWITTER EMAIL SPOONER, Wis. — Daniel Bellefeuille brought his snowmobile over to the Marathon gas station one day last month, filled it up with gas and bought a $2 lottery ticket when he paid the cashier. That ticket won him $1 million in the Powerball game. Bellefeuille, 61, told lottery officials he always had a feeling he was going to win big playing the Powerball. "I had a dream ever since the Powerball started that I was going to win," Bellefeuille said in a statement while picking up his check. "This comes at the right time because I'm going to retire." A career builder and construction worker, the Spooner man says he plans to purchase a new, "but used" vehicle and finish a house he’s building on his property. "This will help me finish it." Bellefeuille matched five numbers in the Jan. 17 drawing — 9, 24, 35, 46, 65 — but missed the Powerball of 22 (which would have made him much richer.) For selling the $1 million Powerball ticket, Spooner Marathon received $20,000. The odds of winning the $1 million Powerball prize are 1 in 11,688,054.
    2 points
  8. IMO checking the coolant line is a must do. The hose has a white stripe on it at the water pump mounting end, lining that up with the line cast on the case solves the issue. The cast line is between the 3 to 4 o’clock position. My hose was installed with the stripe at the 1 o’clock position and hose was slightly rubbing the starter brkt. Lining up the hose with the cast line gave me a 1/2 inch of clearance on the starter brkt.
    2 points
  9. Sota style pizza... ...and for once I didn't make it
    2 points
  10. lol im just pointing out it looks like 3 6,s
    2 points
  11. That’s laughable. Trump: “My people came to me, Dan Coates, came to me and some others they said they think it's Russia. I have President Putin. He just said it's not Russia. I will say this: I don't see any reason why it would be.
    2 points
  12. The state of Michigan runs PSA’s all day long for vaccines. They have doctors repeating the lie that the are safe and effective. They push them on pregnant women and are now pushing them on kids. These doctors that are doing these commercials should have their medical licenses revoked
    2 points
  13. Biden is heading to single digits, a first in American history. But 81 million
    2 points
  14. Why don't you tell us all the story how Joe is going to get us out of a war and keep us our of global conflicts. Those were fun little golden book treasures
    2 points
  15. LOL. Fixed it for you.
    2 points
  16. Meanwhile, Rome burns.
    2 points
  17. In this current case, it is liberal policies. PERIOD. The fact that we got back into the paris accord, etc. Not hard to figure it out.
    2 points
  18. Is that Joe Biden last cognitive test or Hunters next masterpiece?
    2 points
  19. Um no thats not why and its not because of inflation its because Biden axed the keystone pipeline...
    2 points
  20. 9-10” in Barre Town. Still coming down hard. 1100’ 14° 3:30pm 12”, been snowing all afternoon but settling as fast as it falls. VAST map shows groomers out everywhere.
    2 points
  21. Actual photo of @Crnr2Crnr surfing Arctic Cat Trail Riders.
    2 points
  22. I have few simple rules in life. On top of the list rides 'if you can't laugh at yourself, please... allow me'
    2 points
  23. Lol zero surprise neal has always put neal first . Every one who has ever had to be around him says same thing self absorbed blowhard PITA . .
    2 points
  24. Tic TOC.........wait till the NYT gets done with Hunter. Plenty of time after the mid terms for investigating and impeachment.
    2 points
  25. awesome what they are doing to Ottawa citizens, they just dont' care about anyone but themselves. I'll leave when I get what I want... True Canadians
    2 points
  26. You've chosen to ignore content by spin_dry. Options
    2 points
  27. What is odd, if you are the victim of a violent crime, they tell you not to be a victim, but if your distant ancestors were ……you should never get over it.
    2 points
  28. Whoopie gets time off but Rogan continues on?
    2 points
  29. No he is correct a lot of people said fuck this place because of above and it was not hard to find a new place to go
    1 point
  30. I'd rather have that bolt of lightning strike the engines on a plane she's on mid flight, along with Schumer, Schiff, AOC, Walters, and a few other disgusting pieces of trash from DC.
    1 point
  31. Lets remember, dumbocrats in California will re-elect her and the same dipshits in Washington will put her in charge again. It's a pathetic bunch.
    1 point
  32. wow. She’s some piece of work. I hope a giant bolt of lightning strikes her right in the forehead. She is a corrosive force in our government.
    1 point
  33. Going to play this with my boys. Finding a song that has a sax & trombone solo for them to play isn't easy as they are rarely joint leads. I have a drum machine and will use the looper to lay down a bass track and then play the guitar part with them. James Brown tune, but going to do something more similar to Maceo.
    1 point
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