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1trailmaker last won the day on February 4 2022

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  1. U.S. border patrol seized less than 20 kilograms of fentanyl from Canada in the 2024 fiscal year, while intercepting almost 10 tonnes headed north from Mexico.
  2. ELON has been given full control of US TREASUARY good times coming
  3. Doug tells ELON TO FUCK OFF cancel starlink deal worth 100 million dollars not that this is good for those using the system but sure is nice to hit ELON
  4. Hey ONEWAY HATEFILLED AC interesting that you think it is Trudeau's war and not Canada's Keep licking TRUMP SACK
  5. 100% Tariffs on TESLA's seems ELON is not going to enjoy that but he asked for it Comments are great "do what Trump asked and our problems are solved" "if you did what trump wanted things would be great" "you are unqualified please do as Trump asked"
  6. Meanwhile Trudeau is acting like a Prime Minister and adding Tariffs to USA products PP is calling for Parliament to be recalled so we can add Tariffs PP has only one goal
  7. Not you CPC MPs make up shit to destroy a target, look how many people they destroyed since PP came leader of that party.....
  8. Let the TARIFFS start Poor SMITH her ball licking didn't work nor did her bashing Canada daily - these CONs sure do like themselves
  9. There are leaders then there is Pierre
  10. Conservatives got a lashing here clearly CPC is about CPC and nothing else Make up shit on people to destroy their character - Anybody that starts their speech calling people slogan names that rhyme so well really has nothing to offer You obviously like the made up shit CPC does daily
  11. You say this often TREASON yet can't say why So your answer is I'll leave it up to you And you still don't see it
  12. Don't you think people that actually speak against CANADA daily PP and SMITH never seen any politician speak agaisnt Canada daily like these two do You really don't care but rather just follow PP around waiting for him to tell you what to think. Still not treason but sure is more so then Jagmeet has ever done
  13. Again "TREASON" another word used by people that literally don't know the meaning of the word.... Can you explain what TREASONOU thing he has done? Love to hear it Try not to answer like a 5 year old
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