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1trailmaker last won the day on February 4 2022

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  1. CPC media paid by CPC goes back a long way here is BEXTE fuckwad that can fly into a remote spot to ask Trudeau a loaded question took a beating from Trudeau Does CPC have morals and calling HIM MEDIA is a joke
  2. Dam interest rates going down again this fucking strong economy has to die on day maybe PP can do it
  3. Overall, Earth was about 2.45 degrees Fahrenheit (or about 1.36 degrees Celsius) warmer in 2023 than in the late 19th-century (1850-1900) preindustrial average. The 10 most recent years are the warmest on record.\ I guess NASA isn't up to your standards of lies and mistruths https://climate.nasa.gov/vital-signs/global-temperature/?intent=121
  4. Jesus ToSlow you are in real trouble if you are denying actual temperatures get off google and try what? FIFE? ANDREW? BEAXTE? who is your guy now?
  5. yes because the actual measured temperature has risen a lot in the past few years for what ever reason it has happened. 1 1/2 Ocean temp is causing a great deal of issues Facts are not hard to find you just have to want to find them or follow the train of hate and misinformation like blaming someone with a pack of matches running around burning down Jasper
  6. No they haven't not that it matters, man made means camp fires or something like fireworks ect. And the fact that they can't be put out is the problem due to dryness and more heat. This is fact you can argue global warming all you want but still fact. Keep the misinformation going
  7. 2022 Convoy of hate going PP new leader no doubt you are behind PP was being a complete douche bag that day and Trudeau let him know PP is a disgrace in Parliament his discontent and lack of respect is fucking horrible
  8. 'THEY' meaning THE SUN THE POST GLOBE n MAIL FIFE? or real news like CBC because Parliament isn't sitting right now so it seems confusing
  9. those words? PP spent the morning telling the media how and what they should report on as he tries to control the Media to not ask any questions he doesn't like Awesome rant without facts truth or anything
  10. Total ignorance from this CPC media what a fuckwad Trudeau is one good person handled this like a pro as this fuck hunts him down to ask a fucking loaded idiotic question This is Alberta hate and how it works -
  11. do you need a clue? Alberta speaks nothing but hate towards Trudeau and Canada in general
  12. Crying Alberta so full of hate is now asking for help from the man they loath so much They have no idea why they hate him all they know is that is what they are told to think. VOTE CONSERVATIVE and 50 years later your cupboards are still bare, blame Trudeau
  13. I will bet no one revolver is owned by anyone here not one
  14. Strange I hope she is okay. She just had a BBQ at local arena
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