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Anler last won the day on October 11 2022

Anler had the most liked content!

About Anler

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    2018 Switchback Assault 800

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  1. I wasnt going to vote for any of them anyways.
  2. Oh wow, you are all finally figuring out that all of those Bush/Cheney neocons were full of shit? Only took you 20 years.
  3. Which politicians arent about pumping more money and weapons into Israel? None of them are going to criticize israel because Israel will out them and defund them.
  4. All of those Bush era neocons are supporting Harris.
  5. Hopefully they move to all of your little towns! Bahahahaha!
  6. Looks like a president Kamala.
  7. You should worry about gangs moving into your areas. We are used to this, it's just another Monday here.
  8. That's the best guy for running the country right there. Not one other person in America can do what he does....
  9. Why do you think they call him orange Jesus ffs?
  10. The title of this thread should read: Am I am massive cunt? 1. Yes 2. Fuck yeah
  11. Israel runs the Biden administration AND the country. https://www.timesofisrael.com/all-the-jews-biden-has-tapped-for-top-roles-in-his-new-administration/
  12. How did Assange put our troops lives in danger when it was people like Pence who sent them some place they shouldnt have been in the first place?
  13. He had the balls and the integrity to do what needed to be done and he lost everything for it. They are making an example out of him for the entire world to see what will happen to you if you try it.
  14. He exposed the Bush administration too. Neocons thought he was the devil back then. I guess the govt is only corrupt if they have the wrong initials next to their name
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