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Anler last won the day on October 11 2022

Anler had the most liked content!

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    2018 Switchback Assault 800

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  1. Israel runs the Biden administration AND the country. https://www.timesofisrael.com/all-the-jews-biden-has-tapped-for-top-roles-in-his-new-administration/
  2. How did Assange put our troops lives in danger when it was people like Pence who sent them some place they shouldnt have been in the first place?
  3. He had the balls and the integrity to do what needed to be done and he lost everything for it. They are making an example out of him for the entire world to see what will happen to you if you try it.
  4. He exposed the Bush administration too. Neocons thought he was the devil back then. I guess the govt is only corrupt if they have the wrong initials next to their name
  5. No it's not. The last several winters have been less than ideal. No rideable snow in the southern parts of Wisconsin and Michigan. At least not more than a week or so.
  6. This is a reach. Everyone knows if Trump was on that island there is nothing he could do to hide it.
  7. Alot of those conspiracies are turning out to be true. Time to eat some crow now. You know who you are...
  8. I think that happened to dripper also. But the worm ate ALOT of his brain.
  9. Yup. They think minorities are too poor and too stupid to perform the basic functions of society so they need special help and special rules. Who is the fucking racist?
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