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akvanden last won the day on April 18 2024

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  1. Sorry your math was way off again. And maybe you should look up this guy before just believing what twitter says any him. Wasn’t peaceful.
  2. Oh for sure, Putin bad again.
  3. No this is a direct quote from Trump (that you were unaware of) about boots on the ground that you scoffed at. Crazy, huh?
  4. Oh, you didn’t know? Asked if U.S. troops would be deployed to take over Gaza, Trump said that “we’ll do what’s necessary. … We’ll take it over and develop it.”
  5. I’m surprised all the ‘mind our business’ pacifists are ok with boots on the ground taking control of Gaza. And we’re still sending weapons to Ukraine! How quickly their attitudes change.
  6. Yes, 5,000 employees out of 38,000 employees. That was the request from the DOJ, what employees worked on J6 cases, not just agents.
  7. False, there’s 38,000 employees.
  8. Will it work better than his first term? Asking for a simple minded friend. “The U.S. farm industry was adversely impacted by China canceling or delaying imports of soybeans and other products in retaliation for U.S. tariffs. In response, President Trump increased farm subsidies by an estimated $28 billion in a bailout attempt, over twice the $12 billion net cost of the 2009 automotive bailout. Much of these funds go to large corporations.”
  9. No one said that. We have limited resources, we should be focusing on industries that provide our country competitive advantages and real economic growth. This is apolitical, dipshit. Regardless of who's in office, we shouldn't be aspiring to build more pencils and erasers. Wow, look at the dumb imagination on you. Highly educated, like the trades, nursing, engineering - you know, people who "don't produce anything of any value in this country." Amazing how some of you have to frame everything with a political skew when attempting to understand simple concepts.
  10. Honestly though, we don’t want our workforce making widgets in low-skilled widget factories. Let other countries do that so we can focus on highly educated, high skilled, high tech, etc etc jobs that drives real economic growth.
  11. Persistence pays off, nice work!
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