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akvanden last won the day on April 18

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  1. It’s not an opinion, it’s a fact, assuming you know what odds are.
  2. Wrong. Correct. Absolutely needed? No, but the odds are in your favor.
  3. I bet you can find plenty of quotes stating why she thinks she lost, Russian interference or otherwise. The fact is she’s stated she lost, for whatever reason, numerous times. She even wrote a book about it. "I couldn't get the job done, and I'll have to live with that for the rest of my life," Clinton wrote in the memoir.” And this interesting tid bit. “Defeated candidates don't necessarily attend the inauguration, but Clinton was in a unique position. "But I'm a former first lady, and former presidents and first ladies show up," she said. "It'sr part of the demonstration of the continuity of our government.” https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/hillary-clinton-what-happened-sunday-morning-jane-pauley/
  4. And now they’re being fast tracked (what’s left) to become a member, as agreed upon by all other NATO members this last summer.
  5. If you have nothing to add, or need to deflect, it IS ok not to say anything. You should try it.
  6. I’m sure the remainder of Ukraine will just sit around and wait for Russia’s third invasion, as if they haven’t already learned twice the price you pay by not being a member.
  7. Agreed, yet you and others are so concerned with how they pick their shitty candidates.
  8. You hated yet wanted Biden so badly.
  9. oh yeah, this is how they’ve been holding off the much larger Russia in war’s third year by forcing people off the street to fight. It’s a real morale builder. Inspires them to fight. Oil’s definitely an issue. No hint needed, I’ve been saying that for quite some time. They won’t be able to completely push Russia out. It’s critical then they allowed Finland with the longest border to join NATO with no issue, and Sweden. Imagine that.
  10. They never were going to completely push Russia out, but they continue bleeding Russia and making this miscalculation even more costly for them and their leadership. It should be their choice on when they decide they can fight no more.
  11. There’s nothing in the constitution about how parties nominate candidates, so it’s equivalence to a ‘threat to democracy’ when the framework of our democracy states nothing about it is a stretch. A threat to democrats chances this fall? Absolutely. They could nominate someone unpopular to their base, which I think Kamala will be. The primary process is relatively new in our countries history and was done so to be more open about the nomination process, but organizing a snap primary process in less than three weeks before the DNC is not plausible. So what are they to do? I think Kamala’s probably the worst choice they could nominate and will come back to bite this fall via the ballot box.
  12. Thanks Putin pawn macgregor for that breaking obvious news. Who would have thought Trump’s way to “end the war in one day” would be to abandon Ukraine and officially allow Russia to annex their land. He’d probably concede allowing what’s left of Ukraine into NATO too so Russia can do this all over again in ten years.
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