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Cold War

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Cold War last won the day on June 20 2020

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    Black Flag sticker on back of my Cadillac.

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  1. Only we are not talking about saving a few dollars. We are talking millions that will add up to billions. Kamila would of cut nothing and increased worthless spending. Lets be honest, you’re going to be a critic no matter what he does. He will never win you over and that’s fine. you didn’t vote for him. I voted for him and Im pleased with what is happening so far. Maybe that will change as we go further, but you and a few others will never change your opinions.
  2. Some of stupidest reasoning ever. I have people who owe me hundred and people who owe thousands. oh, don’t worry about paying me the hundred you owe me , others owe me thousands. Every American tax dollar being stolen, wasted or going to fund rich elites in other countries is a big deal.
  3. Run her again!!!!! Lets see how many racist Dems don’t want a black woman for president.
  4. The efforts by anyone on here is meaningless. The most damage is being done by the Democrats fighting to stay in power. They are using gay people for their own selfish gain. Gay rights and acceptance is not going backwards. The inclusion of children indoctrination is coming to an end.
  5. Damn! The snow- Mexicans are playing hard ball! I guess Trump didn’t know who he was fucking with. 40, 000 Canadians a year will not be riding the bus over to Detroit? That is like 1 day where the Tigers are not playing.
  6. There has never been a better, safer. Acceptable, time in the country to be gay or trans.
  7. Golf count . Com gots the goods! well, maybe not.🤷‍♂️
  8. I have yet to see this woman on my local news. The former press secretary was on every night. Does ABC, NBC, CBS , give her air time?
  9. I got a pretty good dealer. He hooks me up for free. His chickens lay some of the best shit.
  10. Holy shit. Can you impeach a president for talking about proposals?
  11. Local Dems saying they will have to cut funding for school lunches because there isn’t money in the 80 billion dollar budget to fund it now that Trump is president. Could we get a list of what you need to fund with the 80 billion that has precedent over school lunches?
  12. Listening to the reports of the “street value” of stolen eggs. where do you go to fence stolen eggs? Sell them out of the back of a van?
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