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Bontz last won the day on July 18

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  1. Exactly - it's the new Steele Dossier. What's worse is, shit like Mainecat is copying and pasting isn't even what the original Project25 was pointing out. There's multiple bullet items that are completely off the wall ... but derpaholics will just copy and paste it & claim it's true. The same idiots that fell for Russian collusion and the dossier in 2016. We don't agree often, but I'll give you an attaboy on this one. TDS though - you just can't get people to break out of it. The next iteration of Project25 will be "Anyone who hated The Apprentice will be deported to Ukraine!" That's how fucking stupid people are, to believe that.
  2. I think it's a list that imbeciles like you & Mainecat actually believe is real
  3. Mmmmmm K ... you sure seem the be the authority on what people think
  4. But he'll have his boyfriend make up cute signs and take pictures for him to post here
  5. Do imbeciles like you even take the time to look at this and realize what you're copying/pasting? Or do you just see the headline of "Project 2025" and jump right to copy and paste? It's no wonder you take the beating you do, on a daily basis.
  6. I don't really GAF about either .. the US is more important to me and my family. You wanna burn the flag, take your virtue signaling to the shit hole country you're supposedly "fighting for"
  7. Nope - you're right. There's no money involved in the climate change agenda. People are in it simply for their passion for the good of mother earth
  8. If you're too dumb to recognize it, is it really worth anyone's time trying to explain it to you? It couldn't be more obvious. If it were truly an existential threat, don't you think all your buddies like Al Gore and Greta would stop jet setting around the world? Seriously dude - I know you don't buy stuff up there, you barter ... maybe barter for a clue. When the motto, "What's good for thee is not good for me" applies ... maybe wake up.
  9. And you're one of the last fucking people to judge anything related to the riots in Minneapolis. There, we're even
  10. Ahhhh, yes ... the proverbial painting with broad strokes. Why am I not surprised
  11. LOL .. listen to the NJ resident who's so in touch with Minneapolis and the so-called unjust ways of the law. Do you know who Keith Ellison is? As far as the kid changing her mind, most people would call that maturity ... but you go ahead and play the indoctrination card
  12. I wouldn't say education is way overrated, but it's not the only option to become successful .. even in this day & age. I've got a friend who retired 2 years ago as one of our local school's principals (retired early mainly due to all the bullshit resulting from COVID and how things changed so dramatically with kids and parents). Anyway - he and his wife have twin boys, both of whom did extremely well in school. They graduated in 2019 and neither went on to college. One is a plumber and the other is a facilities/maintenance guy at the local Mayo facility / health system. They're both doing GREAT, and have jobs they're very successful at & making good salaries. There's nothing wrong with going that route!
  13. I don't disagree that it's bullshit ... it is, and it pisses me off when I see it. But it's still free speech and they have their rights. Personally, I'd love to see every single one of these pro-HAMAS pieces of shit sent over there for a month. Let's see how eager they are to desecrate the US flag then.
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