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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/22/2022 in all areas

  1. Anyone want to guess whose plane this is at KCVX?
    5 points
  2. I think it’s funny…there are a lot of jets in and out of here but this the first I’ve seen of his. He’s got a crib out on Lake Charlevoix somewhere…like I said he’s a low key cat just enjoying his summer.👍🏼🌞😎🇺🇸
    4 points
  3. Trump tax cuts......still in place. Trump removing us from the Iran Nuclear deal.....still in place. Trump revision of NAFTA.....still in place. Trump China trade deal....still in place. US Space Force....still in place. Roe v. Wade overturned and rightfully sent back to the states. Trump stood to the side while 18 states liberalized marijuana laws. Trump made it easier to go after shell companies and prosecute money laundering. Moved US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Something the previous 5+ Presidents promised but never did. All while the left controls both the WH and Congress. You are so clueless its laughable.
    4 points
  4. It's hot in late July, mind blowing I tell you!
    4 points
  5. The question here is: How many here think using Nuclear is better than Solar or Wind for a constant consistent electrical grid?
    4 points
  6. @ckf ... with John asking to get up to date on CM's, I think someone should consider paying a bit more, consider the bandwidth they consume This is how everyone should enjoy retired life
    3 points
  7. Holy shit who is that annoying idiot? She’s like a three year old with a Mr Microphone
    3 points
  8. although it has 340 tunnel decals there was a 440 rotax under the hood
    3 points
  9. I want to see your fucking face slapped off.
    3 points
  10. Holy shit, that number is so big it almost seems like you pulled it out of your ass.
    3 points
  11. Recent studies show Milk can keep you cool on a Hot Day...........
    3 points
  12. Took the son out to the Minnetonka Drive in for Hot Rod night. Was so busy I couldn't park my car in the "show" area. Last night that we were solo before his brother returns from the BWCA so it was some bonding over muscle cars. So a double cheeseburger, fries and a root beer.
    3 points
  13. Sliced Beef Brisket from Jack Stack Barbecue out of Kansas City - got a surprise gift box yesterday from my current client in Kansas! MmmmmmMMMMmmmmm was this good!!
    3 points
  14. He is just making sure you guys are all up to date on current events
    3 points
  15. Those people have made some awful motors they should get fired.
    3 points
  16. Between 2016 and 2020, taxpayers will ante up an estimated $23.7 billion in subsidies to keep the otherwise noncompetitive turbines turning. https://stopthesethings.com/2020/01/25/rusting-monuments-to-stupidity-staggering-cost-of-cleaning-up-the-wind-industrys-giant-mess/
    2 points
  17. 31.7 degrees Celsius or 89.6 here in Ontario in 1841. https://climate.weather.gc.ca/climate_data/daily_data_e.html?StationID=5051&timeframe=2&StartYear=1840&EndYear=2020&type=bar&MeasTypeID=heatingdegreedays&wbdisable=true&Day=1&Year=1841&Month=7# Todays temps, with heat warnings all over the place, 29 degrees C or 84 degrees F. Yeah, GLOBAL WARMING!!! If we don't act now we're all going to die!!!!
    2 points
  18. You voted of one or the other by voting third party...sorry but that's a fact.
    2 points
  19. how about raising wages to account for inflation instead of a one time payment for a tank of gas and 2 bags of groceries?
    2 points
  20. Don't worry Pete, you'll be pissed off again on Monday, starting your cycle all over again.
    2 points
  21. Thank you Thanks Chad! MC donated a little extra yesterday to cover some of the freeloaders Everything is the same. Thanks
    2 points
  22. Exactly. And who here is going to defend the present state of affairs….. i.e, the size, cost and corruption of the federal government? I support anyone who confronts that rot and tackles it.
    2 points
  23. "I only respond to attacks and name calling. I never start anything........"
    2 points
  24. It was 105 degrees today in the Twin Cities... in 1934!
    2 points
  25. If only he would have been able to keep his composure from the start and not hissy fit over everything he might have been something
    2 points
  26. You ain't coming to sled camp.
    2 points
  27. Biden sucked dick too. He didn't get where he is because he is that good.
    2 points
  28. Thank you for all you do on the site John!
    2 points
  29. Well that's the popular theory being relayed by every source but to be fair there is zero way to tell how significant/insignificant that contribution is. Is it the primary driver or is it a minor contributor? Nobody knows. You know what the biggest contributor of global warming is? The factor with the highest contribution? Your answer is as good as the top scientists today as it is all speculation and best guess assumptions from them.
    2 points
  30. The lemmings are following like good little minions. It's funny to watch them post and post and post stories following the narrative. All you have to do is see what he lemmings post next. As soon as common sense starts to rear it's head on this forum, you have lemmings like spin going all in on multiple threads trying to discredit it. Right now it's all about climate change, heat waves, wind, solar, Electric vehicles and how gas prices are super low now.....LOL
    2 points
  31. Im thinking this os going to do it. Thanks Pat.
    2 points
  32. speaking of story tellers
    2 points
  33. so there has never been a ice age and a melt before? i love these threads. lets all panic over nothing. the left self hating guilt knows no limit. humans are badddddd. the epa already has ridiculously strict regulations in every aspect of burning dino juice. cant buy a sled or quad or car thats not already on the line of too lean to run correctly to satisfy these nutbags. its never enough. it never will be enough. 'omg guys, next on the docket, the sun is halfway through its lifecycle,. we better start panicking. must be exhausting to go through life like this.
    2 points
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