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ckf last won the day on May 18

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    Island Pond, VT


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  1. Found the article. https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/mexican-drug-lord-el-mayo-is-us-custody-sources-say-2024-07-25/
  2. I read a different article, but from what I understand they were lured Into the US
  3. Same here. Because of that both sides see us as the enemy for not voting for their side. I am not doing it as a protest. I simply want no part in electing either candidate.
  4. If course you have by not supporting Trump.
  5. It really doesn't matter what I do here in Vermont as the Dem candidate is going to win anyway.
  6. Do you know of any other leader of the free world that refuses to admit that they lost? Ego or not, that is poor leadership.
  7. Not really. I have never voted for a Democrat nor do I plan to anytime soon. However, after voting for Trump twice I will not vote for him again. The way that he acted after losing the last time was enough for me. His ego is more important to him than the country.
  8. I think that he has a converted bus. No, not a school bus.
  9. I was a fan of the Newhart show. The crazy neighbors nextdoor at the cafe were a riot. First it was Kirk and then Larryz Daryl and Daryl. RIP
  10. I don't get USA network either. I watched the race yesterday when it was released on YouTube. I believe this weekend's race from the Brickyard will be streaming on Peacock.
  11. They have always done everything that I have asked fairly quick. They asked me about this update. I don't have a clue about this stuff. I posted the details in the mod forum. You probably understand all of that stuff. It's Greek to me.
  12. LOL As far as I know this still hasn't been done. They told me that we were in the queue and they were going to let me know before they did the update.
  13. I remember him mentioning that he has battled a speech impediment since childhood during an interview that I watched back when he was VP. I think the interview was about his Corvette. It might have been Jay Leno that interviewed him about the car.
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