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ckf last won the day on May 18

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    Island Pond, VT


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  1. I can assure you that I ask myself that question way more than I would like to admit.
  2. Thank you For the record I have no issues with you calling him Stupid Steve or whatever else you can come up with
  3. Look, I will read and reply to whatever I wish. I offered to help clear this up, but that's obviously not what you want to happen. I'm asking you nicely to please stop trying to cause drama between the sites with unfounded accusations. If @Steve753 is doing it as well then I am asking him to knock it off too.
  4. Look, I don't want or need drama between FS and TBP. There are members that enjoy both sites and that's a good thing. Before making unfounded claims, get your ducks in a row first. Is that really to much to ask of adults?
  5. Honestly Jim my guess is that HSR was using a VPN. Instead of just randomly making accusations that might not be true it would be better for the sleuth's next-door to investigate before laying blame. There's no need to create more drama between the sites on a hunch.
  6. I told you that it's all good 👍 I must have gotten you confused with Tony on the proof
  7. I just thought that it was funny when I read your proof and offered to help. You are the one that made the comment implying that I was lying. Whether you ment to or not that is how I read it. No big deal as I generally don't hold grudges As for telling me what I should and shouldn't read .... Well , you know the drill.
  8. That's what you meant with your comment or you wouldn't have needed to reply I know you didn't, Tony.. . The others can fuck off. ...
  9. You are partially to blame for causing the site drama by making accusations that you can't back up about the site nextdoor. Just like I told Tony, get me the IP and I will check it here and post the screenshot. If it was Steve or someone else here everyone will know.
  10. If you are calling me a liar you can get fucked And I offered to help clear it up. No, his HSR account was deleted. If he is here he is using a different account. That is possible with today's easy access to VPNs Same to you Jim as Skidooski. I never thought that you would call me a liar though.
  11. I haven't talked to HSR since everything went down last winter. You are the one making accusations, not me. I have offered to help clear things up. Either it's Steve or it isn't.
  12. But you are blaming someone on a hunch. That's spreading what could be false rumors. Also childish IMO.
  13. Feel free to PM me the IP and I will run it here and post the screenshot. That should tell the tale
  14. Whatever you say, Sherlock
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