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  1. ok you got anything to add to the subject at hand? probably not cuz you dumb
  2. looks like I proved my point twice over now
  3. hey dipshit I wrote that to the level it was intended for Seems like it was right at your level dumb ass
  4. and yet biden disrespects gold star families and you are worried about hypothetical bullshit. Go play in traffic. Your IQ fits the range to play that game.
  5. and in 2016 you found cock and liked it Everyone who has ever had the displeasure of meeting you since has realized this also.
  6. Well it was only found out from the laptop. The one that was proved to be legit the one 51 biden propagandists claimed was russian disinformation The laptop that implicates joe as the ring leader of a shake down and money laundering enterprise that is now confirmed to be true So to conclude this case was brought to prove the laptop was legit, hunter is just fodder to get to the real meat and potatoes, joe's taking of money from foreign powers for political access.
  7. Dude it started before he was even elected then turned into 4 years of riots and burning cities and then culminated in j6 with the democrats last stand. All of that was organized by the dem party and their media dogs to whip up the simps left and right. Thye fact you had to even ask that fully dumb fuck question tells a bunch
  8. Well since trump didnt put hillary in jail for obvious and serious criminality. and joe biden and the democrats had to make up crimes and convict trump on hurt feelings The actual smart people know who the real hitler is and it's not trumpy. karen2karen an actual real life starwars faggot.
  9. you should already know but due to the severity of the condition it's expected. You are dumb as fuck
  10. I dissagree F1 is a true race from point to point (well on a track). F1 is a 200 mile sprint race Indy has too many cautions to tighten up the field so that they get to race again. Different types of the same thing. All depends on what you want to watch and are entertained by.
  11. O'ward made a big mistake with I think 2 to go he had a big run and backed out of it to stay in P2. If he would have took the lead at that point I think with the drafting back and forth O'ward would have had the last chance to draft for the lead and win. Newgarden on the outside of turn 3 was big time ballsy and a true checkers or wreckers kind of move. All in all it was a good race and there was always a pack of cars all over each other for the entire race. Comparing indy to F1 primetime showcase race of the year for each, the 500 is the true spectacle as advertised. Monaco is always interesting but is just a parade in the end.
  12. who made their money above board ? Who needed to back channel through 150 businesses and 200 bank accounts. Who provided an actual service that can be documented?
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