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  1. They told joe there was free ice cream in the basement and when he couldn't find any and came out of the basement he was no longer running for office. I think he is still confused and now a bit bitter
  2. sounds like you drank the cool aid. So how much more frequent, and why is a 150mph wind in 1940 less severe to a 150mph wind today?
  3. Awww barbie is a political racist are you wearing your rainbow outfit to the kiddie story time at the library?
  4. so were the mail in ballots voted in by the respective states legislature before the election? you know to make them legal as per the law................................
  5. and now they are supporting a corrupt liberal so the $$$$$ train can keep on flowing. The facade of free and open elections has been exposed. you are just too beholden to the system to even fathom that it is part of the system.
  6. remember when these republicans were thought of as corporate shills beholden to that money to push thier corporate agenda and were bad bad people and the liberals were so much different and were for the people. So now the liberals are cheering for these same people. Now all of these apparent corrupt republicans are backing a liberal. So it appears every entrenched politician is against trump and are all lining up behind a corrupt liberal so that the game can continue on. If trump gets in the game stops and they dont make the $$$$ for those 4 years. A shell game of politics to enrich themselves.
  7. I cant wait till they pull out the obama roman pillars and start parading her around as the new hope and change. It's all they got she cant operate efficiently on her own brain power, so bring in all the shills to tell us how great she is, and then she comes in and gives the obama hope and change speech, waves to the crowd and disappears to the basement. We have seen this script before.
  8. looks like they got the obama speech writer back on the pay role. kamala just lacks credibility and comes off looking like a shill. She is definitely not a generational figure capable of doing anything more than waving to a crowd and shaking hands. Classic empty suit parading around as the new jesus.
  9. just like all the bomb threats in Springfield came from democrats. They can manufacture a crisis right out of thin air.
  10. they have to airbrush the coffin out of all the biden pictures but you're ok with that though
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