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Everything posted by Rigid1

  1. Surprised with all the mental genius in this joint, not a single person wants to know who is running the country for the next 180 days?? The usuals seemed more concerned with drama and "winning the Internet" ... Nobody is curious who is in charge after watching that .
  2. Sorry, tomorrow is garbage night and I change the cat litter, scooping out the turds is a bit more entertaining than most threads here so I might have to pass..Sorryzzzz
  3. Kick up the old polling threads with Hillary winning in 2016, there's probably a couple hundred..You could actually win something besides a daily retard award..
  4. Couldn't imagine having a life so empty my daily goal is to win freedom sledder day, after day, after day for years on end fully knowing you're never going to change anyone's mind.. What's that old saying..If a person does the same thing over and over again expecting different results they are???
  5. Start them young Gocky! The sensation of speed and braking Definitely helps them when they get behind the wheel of a car and on the open roads... Nice work Daddio!
  6. You should make another wager on your thoughts........
  7. Most definitely, all he seems to have in life is the site.. Morning to night spewing the same shit in bigger piles day after day..SMH
  8. Yeah, it's your guys bet, I was just curious if it was a 1 on 1 trump vs Biden bet, but it's a Trump vs the entire Democrat party bet...... I don't pay much attention to the nit picking bitching like a woman, so no worries..
  9. I think that him being able to run would be a reasonable request for the bet and not something way out of line
  10. What happens with the bet you have with Viper if Joe bows out?? Is it just a draw/wash?? Wasn't sure of the exact details of the wager.. @ViperGTS/Z1
  11. Agree, that's friggin cool, l definitely want to see what he did
  12. I bought one 2 years ago, still in the box on my garage..
  13. I was surprised that the SS didn't have a drone in the air to keep an eye on the roof tops and tree line. Pretty simple and inexpensive way to keep eyes on the area
  14. I don't talk to everyone, just my buddies..
  15. Naah, still the same person I've always been sport
  16. Don't worry spinner, you still have 42,000 more posts than me, would take me 30 years if you stopped today to get there........
  17. Is it normal practice in your past career to give accurate physiological evaluations based on what you see posted on YouTube, TV, and an obscure website with never actually talking to the patient or family members??
  18. I don't need to have the same argument with the same people every single day for years on end. I don't need to win the internet, And Trump or Biden don't consume my daily thoughts, life, and actions.. I appreciate the compliment but that doesn't make me wonderful, mentally stable and not obsessive, yes. Wonderful, naah..
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