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Thanksgiving plans


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Our daughter will be home from school and there is a big gathering at my SIL’s house…it’s looking like my wife won’t be able to go so I’ll probably just hang at home with her and watch football.:bc:

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31 minutes ago, ckf said:

What are you guys doing for the Holiday? We will be staying home and the in-laws and one of Nicole's uncles are coming for dinner and football. 

bit of a shit show here, wife is beyond eyeballs deep with work, mil has moved from senior living to ER and assisted living, siblings aside from her twin couldn't think themselves from a wet paper bag so... daughter, sil and I are doing CINCO De Thanksgivingo this year.  😂

Mainly horsdeurves based on traditional Thanksgiving but more spicy and amusing.  Still trying to sort out chutney with a kick. 



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Thanksgiving on one side Thursday, the other side Friday, and I have to find time to run up to Grand Forks and pick up the big Christmas presents for the boys.

Brining and smoking the bird on Friday.  Hopefully it'll turn out well.

Inlaws that hate me tried to invite themselves over.  Yeah, like hell that is happening.  

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7 minutes ago, Mainecat said:

26 family members coming for dinner. My favorite holiday.

how many liberals are bringing a dish to pass? 








of course I'm kidding, it'll be kale or soy based and no one wants that shit on Thanksgiving! 

liberal niece (who I still love dearly) asked if she could bring plant based meatballs, I replied 'of course, the dog will be thrilled to eat them from the floor'.  no response yet but she knows I'm an ahole :roflcrying: 

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Heading up Nth with the wife and dog Wednesday morning.  Cook a small Thanksgiving dinner and relax.  Get the lawnmowers and jeep put away.  Get the sled dolly, etc out for sledding season.  Put one more trail cam up.  Check on some of the local hunting camps.  Head home Saturday to beat the traffic.

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6 minutes ago, Crnr2Crnr said:

how many liberals are bringing a dish to pass? 








of course I'm kidding, it'll be kale or soy based and no one wants that shit on Thanksgiving! 

liberal niece (who I still love dearly) asked if she could bring plant based meatballs, I replied 'of course, the dog will be thrilled to eat them from the floor'.  no response yet but she knows I'm an ahole :roflcrying: 


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We're hosting due to wife's mobility requirements, just easier. Having friends on Thursday and my family on Friday. Smoker will be working overtime. I'm sure the warning light on my liver will be flashing by Friday night. 

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  • Platinum Contributing Member

Same thing we do every year. Head over to my aunt and uncles place. Watch the Lions lose, fire out back, jacuzzi going, maybe some air guns then eat and get sleepy.

One of my cousins...


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Same thing we do every year. Both sides of the immediate family under one roof. That means all the men in the basement yelling at the Lions game on TV, the women upstairs quietly chit chatting and watching the Lions game on tv like humans, the wife baking and cooking her ass off starting tomorrow and me smoking meat either for the main course or appetizers. 

Usually only 8 people but the brother in law got married this fall and the wife panicked and invited our new sister in laws entire nutty immediate family. I hope they don’t say long. 

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8 hours ago, Badger** said:

Jesus MC that's like a small wedding, holy crap 26!!:bc:

Daughter's wedding was 200. Don't even joke about shit like that.

First TG, or major holiday, since my mom passed away. Will be a very weird dinner. Also at my daughter's later in the day.

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9 hours ago, Jimmy Snacks said:

Our daughter will be home from school and there is a big gathering at my SIL’s house…it’s looking like my wife won’t be able to go so I’ll probably just hang at home with her and watch football.:bc:

Hope she is doing better, she WILL be in our prayers,,,

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9 hours ago, Big Crappie said:

Headed to the in laws place down in the cities. House full of trumpers. Can't wait. :bh:

:lol: I can't decide if I'm gonna wear my "Semi Fascist" or "I smell Hippies" (Ronald Reagan) t shirts.  All 4 of our daughters and their husbands/boyfriends coming, along with our 2 grand daughters.  One of the bfs is a fairly useless wokie with the shaved side, purple braided hair on top and man bun.  He literally looks like a walking antifa meme and I'm pretty sure he couldn't even change a tire.  :lol: But still looking forward to it along with some granddaughter time.  Taking off early tomorrow and not going back til Monday.

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