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About $poorsledder$

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  • Location
    Bethany, CT


  • Current Sled
    2015 Skidoo 800R MXZ TNT

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  1. Lefty loosey, righty tighty....
  2. Three I have, looking for more... https://www.skylinewebcams.com/en/webcam/united-states/vermont/newport-city/newport-city.html https://webcamera24.com/camera/usa/island-pond-brighton/ https://www.islandpondatv.com/webcam
  3. Exactly, you all fucked me and ran that Kamala bitch, fuck you! His wife has an even bigger smile as she didn’t mind explaining what went down to Joe 10 times until he could understand …
  4. How many impeachments this time around?
  5. After the election Harris may need her past experiences for employment. Sucking Willie's dick and supposedly running the fry machine are about the only 2 accomplishments I'm aware of. We know the Willie job was real, if the fry job was a false narrative I'm sure Donald wouldn't mind spending time showing her the ins and outs of the fry machine. Maybe she'll reciprocated and show him what Willie taught her. You think people are going to run away from McDonald's because the Dems say to? And Here I thought abortion was the current narrative.
  6. https://www.goldmansachs.com/insights/articles/why-are-ev-sales-slowing https://www.cnbc.com/2024/03/13/ev-euphoria-is-dead-automakers-trumpet-consumer-choice-in-us.html https://www.latimes.com/environment/story/2024-04-16/the-ev-market-is-in-trouble-the-latest-sign-is-teslas-layoffs https://qz.com/evs-are-dying-fast-and-the-repair-industry-is-lagging-1851450290 Maybe I should have called it Hydrogen Cartridges to Save the Lagging EV Market?
  7. Ether that or just build the Hydrogen car and be done with the EV battery shit https://www.msn.com/en-us/autos/news/toyota-s-portable-hydrogen-cartridges-look-like-giant-aa-batteries-and-could-spell-the-end-of-lengthy-ev-charging/ar-AA1rXmeH?ocid=entnewsntp&pc=U531&cvid=7c6c23959aac4f598801908fef9fae95&ei=39
  8. At least she's not driving in the left lane.
  9. They should do this but with hydrogen... https://wmbdradio.com/2024/10/01/us-issues-2-billion-in-ev-tax-rebates-since-jan-1-treasury-says/ Why they doing this with just EV's? Wonder who's got money invested in this shit that no one wants?
  10. Maybe the government should give the states incentives to put in hydrogen stations. Gas stations would probably be all in to have a hydrogen pump to install when car sales increase. I see it only takes 3-5 minutes to fill a tank. Remember when EV people were bitching because there was no where to "fill" their tank and it took too long? Oh wait, they still are bitching.
  11. This is a top priority being considered somewhere on a beach in Delaware. Don't worry, price increase will drive wage increase and you'll be told that it's great that you get more in your paycheck and to remember who was driving the bus and made it happen...
  12. I don't know, it happened pretty fast to be intentional. Carrington is pretty tough, she took a hit to the eye same game from Clark and it took her contact lens out. She picked it up off the floor, stuffed it back in her eye and continued playing...
  13. Yes, I'm under that plan. I don't see much overtime unless I have to travel.
  14. Fix it...
  15. We were buying engines from Russia for years to get into space... https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/comrade-capitalism-rocket-men/
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