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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/05/2021 in Posts

  1. Got Influenza? Thanks Vaccines...oh wait This covid flu isn't going away no matter how many shots you get. "Follow the science"
    5 points
  2. I don't think anybody is disputing the effectiveness of those vaccines. What you don't understand is your own idiotic people are telling you that the Covid vaccine will not kill this virus and what we are seeing you will get a form of Covid. I got the jabs and was lucky enough to get Covid or variant of it a few months later - so stop your BS that the vaccine will cure this virus and all of its mutations. You aren't even consistent on the border issue - OK to close the north border but keep the south one open with known cases walking through.
    5 points
  3. What an embarrassment.....that blouse does not go with that skirt at all.
    4 points
  4. The only reason DeSantis is on your radar is because the mainstream media thinks he is going to run in 2024 and they would like to get a head start on smearing his good name. No way Biden runs in 2024 hell he might not finish his term which would leave us with Harris. If the media really cared about Covid infections they would be all over the top five states for death rates ie (NY,NJ,CA,MA,IL) but we both know they have no interest in that. Desantis has a great point about Covid and our open southern border.....if Biden was really worried about spreading Covid he would change his border policy.
    4 points
  5. I’m guessing this was filmed in Manchester NH.
    3 points
  6. when i upload pics to fs they are always sideways but aren't sideways anywhere else
    2 points
  7. Seriously most of you are getting crappy one sided news so just watch.
    2 points
  8. So, why would DeSantis approval rate tank??? Did he pass a law against wearing masks or getting the shots if you so desired? If the people of his state believe all the mask and shot hype, why wouldn't they be the perfect soldiers and fall in line? If everyone believes the masks work, why did 99.9% of people stop wearing them when they weren't forced? If there was transparency and the situation wasn't so politicized in regards to the shots, everyone would get them. The argument really comes down to just that. FREEDOM to chose. Regardless of choice, this isn't going away, just like the flu. Protect yourself in the way you see best. If you're vaccinated, and all your friends are. What's the big worry for you? If I die in a week from covid because i chose not to get the shot, what's it to you? Keep your bull shit to yourself, and mind your own business. I also feel the people that had covid already are getting a raw deal. They have the best antibodies already if we "follow the science"
    2 points
  9. 2 points
  10. Dan did an OK job with it. VS fucked it up. Is Terry posting over at TBP? He isn't one to give up a battle, fight until the end
    2 points
  11. You’re a fake person you don’t exist. You have to be fake because a real person could never be as stupid and annoying as you
    2 points
  12. https://www.instagram.com/p/CSLFGbJnmFI/?utm_medium=share_sheet&fbclid=IwAR252l6ToEsiv5GBMsWAODOVjyM3DEFmFFSjlvAYHJE4QUDn-nXw_f9wlHE Clicky ^^^^^
    2 points
  13. You are such a fucking moron. It’s astounding on a daily basis.
    2 points
  14. Home taxes are based on “fair market values”. Or are supposed to be. Why does everyone else have to cinch up to wit belt in hard times but to e government gets to say, “Well, we still have to do stuff and things.” Have you hit your fucking head?!?!?
    2 points
  15. Only 3 or so bitching from what I see, guess they're afraid they won't get as much attention.
    2 points
  16. Look out club trail Shin Pond..
    2 points
  17. Because the news put it in their head that vaccines from mega corporations are their saviour, and they’re good people for believing in it. So by default, anyone that questions this scientism religion must be an evil person. it’s not even really that complicated.
    2 points
  18. You come anywhere near me and I’ll consider it a threat and knock your teeth in. Understood? Mods: Are going to continue to allow this low grade piece of shit continue to threaten and insult other members families? Get rid of this low life. It stopped being funny a while ago.
    2 points
  19. A group of shit eating retards objecting to other groups of shit eating retards at their picnic benches. We were some of the first here! Thanks @Momorider for your “FS went dark” thread on HCS. ….and where in the fuck are you?!!?!
    2 points
  20. I get what @Snake is saying from a level of "having to put up with the stupid shit from 550 or Frankie" ... there's been plenty of back & forth with those two and although it can be entertaining, it's just mind numbingly stupid. But I agree with @snatchslayer and it's why I called out Emotional Ben in my original response ... everyone has come from HCS. Some folks weren't active in recent years over there, I get it (but guess what, Ben was).
    2 points
  21. Shameful. Just pathetic.
    2 points
  22. You know, if Obama wants to throw a huge party and fly in 200 staffers to take care of him and his 500 guests on his "going to be under water in X years" estate at Martha's Vineyard, that is truly AWESOME!! Who wouldn't want to throw a party for your 500 closest "friends" if you could?? BUT - that means you don't get to lecture me and tell me I need to do something, when you do the same shit you are lecturing me about. Shut the hell up Obama! Seriously.
    2 points
  23. Holy fuck what a back read...Every time we get an influx of new meat they have to go through the FrankieJames/550 horse shit all over again. Must suck to get drug down to the level of those idiots... says a lot.
    1 point
  24. Remember when you mistook your used diaper for a mask
    1 point
  25. We where warned on HCS by what’s his face in jordan Mi , the paintet, not to come here because the guys are too tough. Tough ? Here ? That turned out to be a bkuff. Think you guys mistake rude and crude and disgusting for tough. All I see are Limp wristed clowns that cry and tantrum daily. This thread not further proof of that ? wah eah wah wah 😭 wah 😩 wah lololololololololol Rodeo Rider seems much more normal than you ladies. Fucking clowns 🤡
    1 point
  26. Lol MC and Clown 550
    1 point
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