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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/28/2021 in all areas

  1. i hope next time they have an actual insurrection and they drag Pelosi out by her hair and she gets tossed down the front steps.
    6 points
  2. “Bumps”. Just yesterday ,the director of the CDC said that “fully vaccinated” people are still susceptible and can still spread the virus. This whole thing would have been better just to run its course as a severe flu of sorts without any help from our “experts” in charge that have seemingly done little other than spread panic and fear while scuttling jobs, social well being and the economy.
    6 points
  3. That they are firing personnel who refuse the jab.
    4 points
  4. I openly root against US Women's Soccer. I'd love to see them get bounced early and out of medal contention. Bunch of high and mighty woke twats who think they're God's gift to soccer, then lose to a team of 15 year old boys.
    4 points
  5. Apologize for the long post here but pretty sure myself, wife, daughter and several members of the family have already had the Delta. Got it over the memorial day weekend family get together at the lake house. Some family flew in from out of state. Everyone that got it had all of the symptoms including the most prominent difference where you do NOT lose taste or smell like the regular vid. Shit was definitely nasty and I personally have not been that sick with anything before that lasted for 6 weeks nor have I ever pounded so much Advil and Nyquil in my life but we all managed to kick it over the last two months. What was interesting to me was that there was zero difference in severity between those in the family that had the vax and got it or those that did not have the vax and got it. Same shit and duration either way so I call bullshit on everyone saying but, but, but if you have the vax you won't be as sick - total bullshit. What is really strange is since I have been symptom free over the last two weeks some of the symptoms (albeit very mild) will suddenly pop back up for a couple of days and then go away again. It's why I think it has to be the delta as the "seasonal flu" has never been like this. Here is the best part. I did not bother to get tested but several family members did. Every single one of them with all of the symptoms raging tested negative for the vid. I think the test is completely fucked. Last fall there all those false positives so they changed the cycle thresholds in January of this year and suddenly very few people testing positive in order to push the vax, because you know it has to be working if cases are down to nothing. Now the CDC comes in and suddenly does not recommend the PCR test anymore until they can improve it supposedly to tell the difference between the vid, the delta, the flu, a cold or something else. This whole thing is a fucking ongoing clown show of massive proportions.
    4 points
  6. She's a great athlete with a long and accomplished career. She decided to pull out of the Olympics, cuz she wasn't feeling it, and didn't want to risk an injury. My GAF meter isn't even registering, and I wish her well. Only athletes I GAF about are the ones who won't support or respect the flag. You're on the US team. If you don't like the country, or think being on the US team gives you an opportunity to spew your L politics, you can gtfo.
    4 points
  7. Got fed up with prices on used vehicles so I decided to fix the ram. Found the diff noise lolol. Easy fix
    3 points
  8. Weird trying to watch without people in the stands....ruins the atmoshpere IMO. I like the Winter Games much better anyhow.
    3 points
  9. Terrorists? You mean the unarmed folks who committed the heinous crime of " trespass ". What would you call the BLM / Antifa folks who burned and looted half the fucking country last summer? You know the ones who prosecutors were told to go easy on. The ones who Kamala fund raised to bail out. Meanwhile the patriots who were protesting a stolen election and the death of our freedom of speech are still rotting in federal prison and haven't even had their day in court or been sentenced yet.
    3 points
  10. First sled I bought was a '92 500 SKS with the two up and back rest. Being 6' 5", that backrest in the forward position was a life saver for me. I could push back against it in the rough stuff to help prevent my back from being crunched. Next was a 1993 XCR 440 - that thing was a rocket on wooded trails! Still have one.... or two! But by no means am I riding that over the new stuff, no thanks!
    3 points
  11. brilliant move by the opposition.
    3 points
  12. *Cleveland Don’t really need to be “creative” to see the lies behind certain narratives. You DO need to be fairly unaware and ignorant to deny them though.
    3 points
  13. Clearly, your doctor needs to be internet shamed and “cancelled”. His license revoked and all his assets confiscated and sold off to help with the MMGW cause. Side: My daughter was over yesterday and said that her employer told employees they were gonna mandate the vaccine. Over half said they’d walk. Oops….no more mandate. Oh well…I guess when tough talk about bullshit isn’t enough….time to walk away from the narrative.
    3 points
  14. Some great points however like the announcers said they've never seen this before. Champions are committed and mentally tough. She got thru these issues before. If she was unsure about competing she should have withdrawn far earlier and given another girl her dream shot. Imagine Brady or MJ after warming up a few minutes before a Championship game not playing because their head isn't in it. I know with seriousness of injuries in gymnastics its a bit different but pretty sure it will all be miraculously fixed by the individual events.
    3 points
  15. 24 years old, kindof doubting her body and its capabilities, expectations of the entire interested world on her blowing everyone's doors off... I get it. Has to be hard for anyone to handle, especially for a young female. I hope she can make it back for the individual event and somehow shed expectations and just go out and give her career the swan song it deserves. I just hope she doesn't read the negative Twitters. That leads to a dark place... Bunch of fat woke shitstains that can't do a somersault without needing physical therapy afterwards...
    3 points
  16. You couldn't take the hood off a sled if your life depended on it
    2 points
  17. I had a wheel come off a 78 bronco I had, worked it's way off the 4WD hub in the front and I was pulling a 2 place sled trailer at the time. Luckily the tire didn't jump the snow bank and I found most of the lug nuts still inside the hub cap, I did have to replace the flat spotted brake rotor when I got home.
    2 points
  18. Lucky it stayed on. Years ago I had to do some brake work on the front of my truck. A few days later I'm driving it and there are some strange clunks and bangs coming from the front, steering is a bit wonky. I'm limping it home to check things out, turn the corner 2 blocks from the house and I here a bang and I see one of my lug nuts shoot across the road and hit the curb on the other side. I pulled over and all the nuts are loose and 3 of them are missing. I walked back the way I came and fond the other 2. When I reinstall wheels I always tighten them hand tight then drop the truck on the ground and get out the big bar to tighten. Guess I forgot that second part. I was on the highway just hours before that nut came off.
    2 points
  19. and are still trying to figure out what gender they are
    2 points
  20. I'm probably in the minority here ... as far as kids go. I don't want my daughter on the side of the road, trying to do anything mechanical/tire related - especially if it's during the night. She knows what to do (call) and stay in her car until help arrives. Too many f'ing whackos out there, and I'm not providing them any kind of easy opportunity to harm my kids.
    2 points
  21. My daughter had a flat tire a few years ago heading to Mankato. She stopped on the side of the road, got out and looked pretty! It worked! Three guys from the truck repair shop next to where she was stopped ran out to fight over helping her.... Does that count??
    2 points
  22. Add in Schiff, Nadler, Walters, and Schumer ... heck, to be fair, they can have McConnell and Cheney too.
    2 points
  23. bitch on the right should die in a fiery crash. whiny cunt
    2 points
  24. I will admit she is a WAY better ambassador for our country than this "athlete"
    2 points
  25. I see electric vehicle owners similar to mini-van owners. Just not real bright but, love to be seen as some sort of pinnacle of practicality, sensibility and intellectual excellence. Ughhh….just steer your shit into the slow lane and stay out of the fucking way!
    2 points
  26. Then out this way….hmmmmm
    2 points
  27. 2 points
  28. Hey, boomers elected these dipshits and were totally on board for credit card capitalism. I don't really understand the "make something of your life" shit some of you constantly fall back on. If I'm successful, I shouldn't criticize the system because I'd somehow be a hypocrite. If I'm not successful, I shouldn't criticize the system and instead go make something of my life. Kinda seems like you just have a problem with the criticism, and my status has nothing to do with it...
    1 point
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