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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/27/2021 in Posts

  1. 4 points
  2. No shit, I didnt see anyone jumping 4 garbage cans using ramps made from pallets while wearing cutoffs and a tee shirt. Lol
    4 points
  3. Vertical Scope Rectums/ Hardcoreslurppers/ DooSuck get together 2020
    4 points
  4. Steelhead, asparagus, and loaded backed potato salad..
    3 points
  5. Kill yourself you dumbass faggot ass retarded pile of pillow biting cocksucking retardation
    3 points
  6. Grilled rib eyes, potato salad and a Caesar salad…..with anchovies.
    3 points
  7. Me too, so far picking my own lettuce , raddish's and strawberries. Blueberries just about ready to pop.
    3 points
  8. We've been getting some good corn 🌽 recently. I love summer veggies and fruits
    3 points
  9. steak tips , corn on the cob , mashed
    3 points
  10. Turkey Reubens with Slaw on Marble Rye.👍🏼
    3 points
  11. Some good ones for a laugh.. https://youtu.be/hAiD0oMtDvA
    2 points
  12. Just said "NYPD" on it...
    2 points
  13. Brats, tater salad and baked beans.
    2 points
  14. Party at snake's . I will bring the Buffalo wings
    2 points
  15. Excuse me... where did you emigrate to FS from? What is it about you fucking liberals always wanting to change history? I consistently hear about HCS and blah blah blah... we all came from there, the senior members anyway. Next thing you know.....
    2 points
  16. On a bike with no suspension, a banana seat, and a head cracking sissy bar off the back of the seat.
    2 points
  17. Nope ...I will easily get banned again if I say the wrong word so im all done there.. So better get use to me ripping liberal sniffy pedo Joey Biden loving fags like you on here instead 😂👍
    2 points
  18. Miami collapse...She could see a crater in the pool area...... Appearing to reinforce the experts’ theory is the story of a resident who called her husband moments before the collapse to tell him she could see a crater in the pool area from the fourth-floor balcony of their ocean-front apartment. Then the line went dead, said Mike Stratton, who was out of town at the time. His wife, Cassie, is among the 159 people who are still unaccounted for. Greg Batista, a professional engineer who specializes in concrete repair and worked on the Surfside condo’s pool deck in 2017, said that the way the building fell points to an initial collapse in the pool deck collapse area. Structural engineer and retired building inspector Gene Santiago agreed that was a probable trigger and pointed to a 2018 inspection, first reported by the Herald, that noted “major structural damage” below the pool deck. Read more here: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/miami-dade/miami-beach/article252396233.html#storylink=cpy
    2 points
  19. X2 on China Girl LOL on Chastain, he got me with one of my teams too. I do think he has a ton of talent and just needs a bit more seat time. A ride at HMS wouldn't hurt either
    2 points
  20. You know you have TDS when you bring Trump into every thread
    2 points
  21. Congrats to China Girl and those picks should be good today...Melon Man Chastain killed me yesterday.
    2 points
  22. 230+ cars in 3 classes here tonight. Just started b-features not long ago, going to be a long night.
    2 points
  23. "He" got "them" 1.9 TRILLION DOLLARS... No wonder he whispered cuz he just fucked what tax payers there are for 1 point 9 TRILLION DOLLARS. Holy fuck man
    2 points
  24. How can you be proud of Joe Pedo Biden ...mainecat you are one old sick fuck.
    2 points
  25. So my ban is lifted and I finally get to see what got me banned .... So I respond to dskobitch and I said the key word "Liberal" with a Pot calling the Kettle black meme ....apparently Liberal is the trigger word for this smurf faggot just like I said. 🤦‍♂️😒
    2 points
  26. Trump got a lot of votes, just not enough to win. Face it he didn't do half of what he said he would, he lied constantly and acted like an asshole daily, of course republicans voted for him, they rarely split their ticket on presidential races, even if there were a better choice on the other side. You seem to forget the debt, deficit, gas prices, all went up, his farm bailout that cost more than the auto bailout you cried so hard about, with the tax cuts and deregulation his 4th quarter GDP was 2.1%, his policies put the final blow to many farmers, he had higher trade deficits than any of the previous 8 years in fact you had to go back 12 years to find a number as high. Who the fuck didn't know DC is corrupt? You think Barr, Pompeo, Bolton to name a few weren't the worst of the worst swamp ?
    2 points
  27. A little Sunday evening boat ride.
    1 point
  28. I've been really fond of the old classic pineapple express lately.
    1 point
  29. Smoked brats are very tasty
    1 point
  30. Bubba finishes 5th...haters gonna hate. I think I’m becoming a convert to Rowdy Nation as well!🤣🤷🏻 Great to see Ryan Preece get a top 10 today...dude can drive. 1st, 10th and 12th today
    1 point
  31. Kyle Busch wins it on fuel with a broken trans.
    1 point
  32. Didn't Harris just say they Inherited the border crisis from the previous administration?
    1 point
  33. Chastain was looking good for a top 5 and he just couldn't be patient with Bell.
    1 point
  34. I thought Amirola would drop like a rock when the green dropped. Bastard hung in for a top 5 in stage 1.
    1 point
  35. Cliff notes: nitwit liberal pussy
    1 point
  36. In the 1,500 or so miles on my General, the only issue has been with the belt and associated clutch. Long story short, the belt at some point will throw a false code, putting the rig in limp mode. Once it starts, it progresses till you ain't riding. Change the belt and clean the clutches and good to go. It's the clutch's fault, and Polaris has sent out a notice to swap out the helix and some weights... Rolled it over and it started right up. Tough rig.
    1 point
  37. That must be PG driving. Must’ve been his TotallyYamaha Mod resume? Or was these pics how he baited Phisgar?🤣😂
    1 point
  38. Lol, with a cheater slick and a huge 5 speed shifter on the nut cracker bar.
    1 point
  39. You are correct. Now they are even more emboldened due to Blm & they know cops don't want to get involved with them. It's not you. Our country going down the shitter faster each day ...
    1 point
  40. Congrats to the wife for winning the half way $50. She's done well in the pool. My Easy Pickin' team drops 1 spot with default picks. I didn't know there was a race today until she messaged me around noon asking who I had picked. I was on the highway and I had an appointment with a customer for 1pm which was to take an hour and then I was going to make my picks. Ended up having to repair some wiring done by his electrician and walked out at 3:05 missing the deadline. I had Kyle Busch, Kurt Busch and Larson picked when I realized it was picking for tomorrow's race. I would have scored 137 points and stayed in the top spot. Yeah for her. Boo for me.
    1 point
  41. I agree with you on a lot, you see trump for what he is, YES, but I look at trump as more of a stepping stone toward better and different people in office. I believe the swamp rats in Washington also saw it that way.
    1 point
  42. Looks like they added another new mod, this one only has 31 posts..... 74craig super moderator 74craig
    1 point
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