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About teamgreen02

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    Ministry of Truth


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    22 Lynx Rave

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  1. I was hoping he would go back and finish what he started. Hopefully the Secret Service doesn't screw this one up. Put counter snipers on that roof and the water tower.
  2. Not much variety of thought around here lately. You can almost predict the comments from the usual suspects.
  3. It's $19K in parts just for the engine. These twin turbo V6s aren't cheap to produce. Replacement is a cab off repair. I know right away they were doing short blocks so the techs had to swap the heads and everything else over to the new short block. Sounds like maybe they will be doing long blocks for all these.
  4. Train wreck for Toyota right now with issues on Tundras and Tacomas. Glad they are doing the right thing to replace engines in the Tundras. Changing out 100,000 of them is a big undertaking. It's something like 20 hours in labor to do the entire job. There will be techs in dealerships that do nothing but change Tundra engines for years. Roughly $30K each to change an engine, although I'm sure Toyota's cost will be less than that.
  5. One thing is certain, the Republicans would have had a primary to select the best candidate by a vote of the people. Tell me how Democrat Super Delegates protect democracy?
  6. My only question is if he is stepping down today or if he will try to finish his term out.
  7. Cool and rainy this summer. Only hit 90 once officially. I paid a lot of taxes last year so maybe that helped?
  8. Sounds like big money rolling out of tech stocks and into small caps. Makes sense with rates expected to come down this fall, that will help the small caps the most. I've been buying VOO mainly but I do have some extended market that focuses on the Russell 2000. Been slowly buying in doing some every month.
  9. Wouldn't surprise me at all if Trump went back and held a rally in the exact same location. Could be the safest place to do it with the scrutiny that site plan will get.
  10. See that blue thing in the top left corner? That's a water tower. A Secret Service counter sniper team on that owns the whole area.
  11. 2 days before the convention and he nominates the VP as well. Their last chance for an open convention.
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