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Showing content with the highest reputation since 07/20/2024 in all areas

  1. Any proud Dads out there?! Just bought my daughter her first “real” dirtbike and the lil’ shit rips on it!!
    17 points
  2. Not what I've seen, Trump said he would be willing to debate Harris more than once but what he is not thrilled about is They want the debates to be held on Their choice of tv station and moderators, so why not allow Trump to have his choice of tv station and moderators for 1 or 2 of the debates. We all know None of the tv networks show favoritism to either political party........
    6 points
  3. i had read that the flags, because of no atmosphere had been bleached white. i thought, "oh thats great, now aliens when passing by will think the french landed there"
    6 points
  4. Inside is a little bit away from done yet, but it was built with two master rooms and a nice big bathroom! Neal
    6 points
  5. Full out faggotry on display. anyone so into the cult they feel the need to buy the merch and go to the rally should probably just do the world a favor and as F7bhent likes to eloquently state- go kill themselves.
    6 points
  6. Dems: "We must appoint a black female, regardless of qualifications." Reps: "Seems kindof shortsighted, also racist and sexist." Reps: Notice when the person appointed based on immutable characteristics rather than qualifications struggles. Dems: "RACISTS!"
    5 points
  7. Why is it that Canadians are so into the election process of a country they don't live in?
    5 points
  8. the speech was leaked. he opens with, "gderorgdmgd fssdfsgtfhohhm, asgjkdgn and then mxgkftjsljlw and i will gjgnskfuhbsogbl.
    5 points
  9. Hillary Clinton. She still claims today she never lost. Yes she went about it differently but still claims Russian collusion. The entire left was calling him an illegitimate President and would immediately go after impeachment. Funny how nobody takes into account how he was treated and how that impacted into how he accepted the results. FFS they played a fake dossier that said he had hookers piss on a bed Obama slept in. They said he was a Russian asset. They spied on his people. Is there any doubt they were spying on him?
    5 points
  10. I've said it in the past and I'll stand by it - publicly funded elections with small individual and business donations allowed. $2m/state to each national party, $50-100 individual max, $50-150/business max, 1 time donation per election cycle. $100m/party + donations per election cycle.
    5 points
  11. No shit….he could be a childless boomer spending his retirement years saying stupid shit on an obscure sled forum…😵‍💫😵‍💫
    5 points
  12. You should make another wager on your thoughts........
    5 points
  13. So let me get this straight, Kennedy wasn't allowed to be part of the last debate because he didn't have some sort of enough votes. But 2 weeks later, Biden can drop out, and a new candidate will attend the next debate against Trump, but Kennedy will still not be welcomed. Not a fan of the man, but that's complete horse shit.
    5 points
  14. Time flies fast. This is my great great niece with my great great great niece at one of their horse show competitions.
    5 points
  15. Seems like there are 56 elected officials who should not be able to vote on this due to conflict of interest.
    5 points
  16. A bus. It rolls right in and out the first bay. We take it to the deck when not using it camping. Neal
    5 points
  17. 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
    4 points
  18. Holy shit that was painful to watch and hopefully for his sake it’s the last time he has to do any speech. Go lay down now kiddy sniffer
    4 points
  19. Do you know of any other leader of the free world that refuses to admit that they lost? Ego or not, that is poor leadership.
    4 points
  20. Sorry, tomorrow is garbage night and I change the cat litter, scooping out the turds is a bit more entertaining than most threads here so I might have to pass..Sorryzzzz
    4 points
  21. IDK but what I saw was a woman that appeared to be very uncomfortable and would have rather have been ass fucked by John Holmes.
    4 points
  22. As a Canadian I am fucking embarrassed by that idiot....
    4 points
  23. If he did wouldn't you mean take back over? The left has owned our public education system for decades. I remember debating politics in HS with a number of teachers....all of them sucked liberal dick.
    4 points
  24. No bikes just sleds around our house.
    4 points
  25. She absolutely was tapped to be the Border Czar by Biden before Mayorkas was sent to be the fall guy and that was a term that was in the news. You can tell how much the Dems are trying to quell that talking point when all the recent searches on that are from 4 or less days ago. https://www.politico.com/news/2021/03/24/kamala-harris-immigration-border-surge-477810
    4 points
  26. Biden's numbers are also going up. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2024/07/the-list-of-democrats-calling-on-biden-to-drop-out-is-growing/
    4 points
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