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  1. You are so stupid and brainwashed you're defending that ass clown who has become rich because of morons like you Flying in a private jet is significantly more polluting than a family flying commercial. Al gore uses more electricity in a month than an average us family does in a year, and a brain dead eskimo like you would use in a lifetime. He has a bigger carbon footprint than some towns
  2. Your bullshit claim that the source makes it false is Ad hominem fallacy, we all know you don't have a clue what that means, but google will tell you. Its been 2 months + you've been trying that same bullshit... After 2 weeks of crying like a little bitch, because you are far too stupid to find the website that is on the image. I showed you how to google it, yet after around a month since you haven't been able to disprove anything You are the only one who doesn't believe it, prove it wrong, or shut your brain dead washer fluid chugging hole.
  3. Who in the fuck brings their wife/gf every ride??? I know of 4 or 5 women that could keep up on a ride when I go, know 3 of them. Alaska Karen must ride like jimwit, but even his dumb ass wouldn't buy a 2up
  4. That's the website you are too stupid to find on your own.. But not the website I posted a link to You claimed the info was false because it came from facebook and were going to prove it wrong We're all still waiting for you to back up your claims
  5. Now we're getting a science lecture from an uneducated eskimo, without a sled who can't find a website without a link
  6. One of the tech's I knew from back in the day, did porting at bm, at nights lol
  7. How in the fuck are you getting even dumber as time goes on??? How many seats do you see?? Comparable entry level snowmobile:
  8. Holy fuck how stupid are you.. The cheapest entry level sxs on that link is 16K....
  9. And 100% factual, just like the last one you were too stupid for find a link for, and still haven't dis proven, despite being shown how to use google to find the site
  10. So you don't understand climate, human nature, or much of anything at all. Got it.. Pretty sweet graph showing a massive 2 degree F change since 1880. Now tell us what the margin of error was for temperatures taken in the 1800's, 1900's, and even 2000's Shocked that you have enough of a brain to be washed.. Still waiting for you to disprove those images you so desperately needed the link to disprove
  11. I see you found a website to cater to someone with your mental capacity. If you weren't such a moron, you'd find it interesting that they are claiming the warmest years happened in the last 20, but most every record is over a hundred years old... You would also find it interesting that they are attempting to compensate for urban sprawl by modifying the data, and that starting in 99 or so they made a lot of changes to the recording, and modified historical data. Interestingly enough the changes to the data made the appearance of warming more drastic. But you're way too much of a moron to deal with any of that Still haven't figured out that website have you Going on 5 weeks and you haven't been able to figure out anything about that facebook pic.
  12. I never posted that link. Because you are incapable of finding a website on your own I posted a link showing you how to use Google. It's been around 5 weeks and you still haven't posted any data showing that the image of temps in 1988 was anything but correct.
  13. https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/business/company-news/2024/07/10/electric-snowmobile-maker-taiga-motors-files-for-creditor-protection/
  14. Ad nauseam like your lying, or like begging for a link you are too stupid to find on your own? I'm truly sorry you're washer fluid pickled little brain can't comprehend what I'm saying. It would be more satisfying if you could realize how bad you've been
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