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Everything posted by ArcticCrusher

  1. His thread where he documents his stupidity.
  2. That's the article. A 66% increase in 4 years in youth dying of heart attacks. What could it be. I just wanna travel. 20 million lives were saved. But my autobiography. Poor Deepfaggot
  3. But mah autobiography. Poor Deepfaggot. Iqtest retard world record holder and lifetime achievement award.
  4. Even this nimrod gets it, but not the flock.
  5. About 40 mins south actually. Was just talking to the designer from there who did a fair bit of refreshing of my place on Thurs and she said that Parrish is pretty safe.
  6. Yes everything they have told you is the truth. Fucking dumb retards.
  7. You've been wrong 101% of the time. Poor Deepfaggot
  8. Poor dumb flock. I just wanna travel, I'm free. My poor autobiography. 20 million lives saved. Fucking retards.
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