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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/02/2021 in all areas

  1. When people that rolled up their sleeves and and were ass hole deep in covid from the beginning,are now putting their jobs on the line. Should be a wake up call for everyone. Nope ,brain washed by the media. From heroes to zeros by the same propaganda pushers. This hospital involved is near me. https://abc7chicago.com/covid-mandate-mandates-covid-19-vaccine/11056996/
    3 points
  2. Hey I did my part. Work. Pay my taxes. Pay my bills. Got an awesome Wife. 3 kids. Nice house. Now I gotta deal with Joe Biden trying to sniff and grope my daughters, jab me with big pharma poison and tax the shit outta me so my kids get nothing when Im dead. And Boomers like you voting for and praising Him. You Guys sucked the Country dry in one lifetime leaving us the crumbs with your ridiculous liberal horseshit. Now you all hide inside masked up scared of a Flu. Pathetic generation..
    3 points
  3. I love how the democrats are constantly saying that the wealthy need to be taxed more and yet the first thing they do is hit the middle class. If it is the wealthy that they want, why are they worried about this little 600 dollar bullshit? Where are the local libtwats to explain this?
    3 points
  4. Imagine still making threads about Trump how many months later??πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ ..... but you dont think thats more obsessive then the Guy who left his Trump flag up because he cant believe America allowed a Kid Sniffing Braindead psychotic dictator named Joey to play President. A old senile fuck now forcing needles and drugs into your body at the same time allowing thousands of undocumented People in without any jab. Congratulations they now have more rights than the born and raised American citizen. But lets keep crying about tweets and those damn Flags on the way to my fancy Cottage....Give me a break. Some of you boomers are such whiny spoiled cucks. You brats are the main reason we are in this situation today. πŸ™„πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ
    3 points
  5. I've seen it before too. But on my spotify
    3 points
  6. Apparently you haven't seen what going on with the current administration??
    3 points
  7. https://nypost.com/2021/09/30/bidens-pick-for-treasury-post-sought-end-to-banking-as-we-know-it/ we are headed down the authoritarian road...with this and the 600.00 reporting bill our freedom is slipping away.
    2 points
  8. When all you have is to defend and cheer on this dip shit it might be time to step back and reflect a bit
    2 points
  9. Like Mainecat to an artticle with Trump in it ?
    2 points
  10. Since you see him 24/7, Send us the vid of you punching your own face. Thanks. You described yourself if you don’t get it.
    2 points
  11. Like he will make 3 yrs. Dude will not outlive 550 , and dat mofo is on borrowed time.
    2 points
  12. If you have an umbrella and I don't will be both get wet if it rains?
    2 points
  13. When are we getting out gold stars . Remember when Trump was the nazi yeah that was funny .
    2 points
  14. Ge wiz wally are you telling us covid is killing older population community's faster than younger community's? Wow what a fucking relivation . Now if only we could convince the kids to move back to there home towns we could slow this bitch down .
    2 points
  15. He thinks β€œthe workers” can lead and run their own operation. As long as somebody else starts it up, risks it all, powers through the tough times and makes it successful first.
    2 points
  16. This always gets a good leaving alone by the pant pissers. Teens in Chicago are more likely to get shot,then end up in the hospital with the China virus. Move along,nothing to see here. Put a mask on so you don’t kill grandma. https://abc7chicago.com/chicago-shooting-west-lawn-melissa-de-la-garza-azul/11050380/
    2 points
  17. Any one that goes to a restaurant or a big box store gets in close contact with it. Different rules for everyone. Im considered a front line worker. No hiding under my bed,no testing. Only if Someone in my house tests positive or I have real symptoms and test positive. We call in hung over or a tooth problem if we feel a little under the weather. We have been done with the bull shit for over a year. The company would be out of business if they followed all of that bull shit. I’ve only been tested once for shoulder surgery. I’ve done work in covid units. Spent 5 weeks in a hospital doing covid work. Was never asked to be tested by anyone. We had the covid unit contract at three different hospitals in Chicago. Not to mention the MRI chillers we take care of in a bunch of others.
    2 points
  18. i got this song on a 45 record, does that mean i,m starting to age ?
    2 points
  19. Care to list what you find to be β€œgood points”…then explain?
    2 points
  20. I loved that song as a kid my Dad would play it sometimes at parties loud as fuck lol
    2 points
  21. don,t forget HOT ROD LINCOLN. my pappy said son your gonna drive me to drinkin if you don,t stop drivin that hot rod lincoln.
    2 points
  22. The new Democrats hate Americans. Plain and simple. They hate you. They wanna tax you to death. They want to make you feel guilty about global warming. They want to make you feel guilty about your race. They wanna make you feel guilty of being a Man. They wanna make you feel guilty for being a Mom. They wanna make you feel guilty for not wearing a mask. They wanna make you feel guilty for not getting a jab. They wanna make you feel guilty for not wanting your Son to become a "Girl". They wanna make you feel guilty for not believing in late term abortion. They wanna make you feel guilty for Religon. They wanna make you feel guilty for anything and everything that will give them more control and power. They need it. They thrive off it. They are the whiney bitches and cucks you hated in high school. Those same people grew up and now work in politics. Democrats hate America. And the Middle class is the biggest percentage therfore we get fucked over and hated the hardest.
    2 points
  23. I've said that for years. The D party is out almost a lap ahead of the R party on lowering the bar for acceptable political behavior and discourse though. Accusing Trump of treason was the final straw for me, especially now given all the Hunter Biden allegations. Bipartisanship went out the window when Obama got elected imo.
    2 points
  24. Go ahead pass it. Next R congress will repeal it. Even one of the local banks is sending out their customers a letter letting them know that the D's are proposing this. Fuck.....we spend more than 600 on dinner a couple weeks ago with 4 couples. Gotta report that to the IRS now? GMAFB.
    2 points
  25. While wearing their MAGA hats and Alex Jones T-shirts!!!! TDS is fun as fuck….for those not carrying the mental disease.
    2 points
  26. We are headed to 100% digital currency so your every movement can be tracked and traced. Combine that with your social credit score and they can turn off your life instantly when you don't comply.
    2 points
  27. Frankie would also like a home of his own but just like killing you, he is far to lazy to realize this dream.
    2 points
  28. 2 points
  29. πŸ€” send some of these 30k buyers my way I’ll just resell these https://nh.craigslist.org/fod/d/shipping-containers-for-sale-20-and-40/7382928481.html
    2 points
  30. Well not much different than posting articles about him months after the election is over. Happened with Obama as well. If you really want people to move on quit bringing him up. End of story. Literally..........
    2 points
  31. Thank God, I got really upset from those, they hurted my feelings..
    2 points
  32. Brother!! I seen black flag in like 1989-ish!!
    1 point
  33. I still have the shirt . I saw the 1984 or 85 first Ave show. Most memorable thing was some one in the fr row pulled Henry's shorts down . He said fuck it and finished the song with out skipping a beat zero fucks given .
    1 point
  34. That's because Joe's starts tweeting like a bird when they tell him to say something on twitter............
    1 point
  35. No biden signs where put up, w so none to take down. So, Trump only one to fire people, let a lone bunch of them, so it really shows how corrupt our govt is….seemingly no-one gets the schit can no matter how bad a job they did. Welcome to the new participation trophy world. Only mean and low class peeps are on the right….we get it. But now we are fighting back. No, not a whole lot of right weak fuk officials fighting though. Ugghhh.
    1 point
  36. New Years Eve Day last year in SE WI
    1 point
  37. Just going through some old pics. I wish I would have kept this fucking thing. Just a ridiculously epic trail machine. One all my future ones will be judged by.
    1 point
  38. I hear the medical coding industry is back logged months, most employees are working remotely and gaff off on the internet all day instead of doing their job...
    1 point
  39. I think they're the same here in MN as always. Some good years, some not so good. I think the problem people have, is you only remember the big snow years. A brown winter is not worth remembering so you don't. But an October Blizzard is worth remembering so people still talk about it every single Halloween, 30 years later. You can just look at historical data and average snowfall and temps and realize it was never as good as people think it was. People remember the outliers. Just recently in the 18/19 winter we had massive snow in MN. The 19/20 year we had 2-3' around Thanksgiving, that year they cancelled Duluth snocross. That snow carried us through the whole year, trails couldn't open for a long time because all the snow insulated swamps. Last year was a leaner year than others, but I think we were actually still above average maybe! Yes I remember as a kid all these big snows. But then if I think hard I also remember me and my buddy freaking out and obsessively watching weather for future snows because we had none to ride, or not enough. That was early 90's. There have been plenty of thin years since, and many big snow years also. Heck that was why I got my high country in 19, we had a couple big snow years where you just couldn't ride a trail sled anywhere besides on a trail. I knew going in that there'd be some seasons where it doesn't get much or any use. I think you just have to roll with it. I really don't think winters have changed at all, I think it's people's memory and perception. It still gets freakishly cold, too. Not last year but the couple years before that were crazy cold, I remember new years eve it got to near -40f that night and I hadn't planned for that and I had my diesel and it was all gelled up, that was early for those temps and those years it would be -40 for many nights! If it ever got above zero those years it was like a warm spell. It was usually too cold to want to go out riding.
    1 point
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