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    Arctic Cat

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  1. Pine Lake is moved back to 13 and 14th
  2. I don't see that posted on the Cor schedule or there FB
  3. This from Pine Lake FB site Please share to help spread the word. With this forecast, we are tentatively moving our race date to January 6th and 7th. At this point, we aren’t even sure if we will have enough ice by then. We will keep you posted on our upcoming decision, likely have more information on January 1st. That is the same weekend of the Cor race at Brainerd
  4. Pine Lake Race Next Weekend Current ice depth at start/finish line area is just over 10”. We are closely monitoring the forecast and will make a decision if we will be a go or not on Saturday afternoon, 12-23. Let’s hope for a cold snap so we can go racing!
  5. It won't be a updated 2018, just a 23 with new decals. Cat split the ISR rules over 2 years which means they can't make any changes this year.
  6. That's crazy, one more team getting out of snocross
  7. We won't know the actual mileage, they changed the gearing on the sleds
  8. Benham had a concussion last weekend, they said he will be back this weekend
  9. It's a short track also, looks like they used all the snow to put this event on
  10. What circuit did you race at?
  11. The only reason they raced at Eagle River is because of COVID, they haven't gone back there since
  12. What ever, you are clueless! Have you ever raced a snowmobile? Drag racing doesn't count
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