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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/21/2021 in all areas

  1. Got chili going in the crock pot for dinner. Probably throw together some corn bread to go with it later this afternoon.
  2. I actually saw 550 towing his new boat home with the crv today off route 3.
  3. 3 . Really only way to be sure that you may not get sick. But if you do get sick you won't end up in the hospital. but if you do end up in the hospital you may not die . But if you do die at least you had your card to show on Facebook so people all know you did all you could to respect the authority
  4. 3 points
    That's not a real photo. It was created in photoshop. There’s nothing beautiful about it. It’s like photoshopping a ugly women and making her hot and taking the fat off of her. Nothing we get from NASA when it comes to photos is an actual photo.
  5. I played with some titties this morning...
  6. Time for some self reflection there snorider JR
  7. Dems so eager to check that box for a black female they put a huge failure in the #2 spot....idiots!
  8. Fully vaccinated family members can celebrate the holidays without masks, Fauci says
  9. 2 points
    When the solar wind slams into the magnetosphere, it produces the aurora borealis, the northern and southern lights in the polar regions. When charged particles from the sun strike atoms in Earth’s atmosphere, electrons move to higher-energy orbits. When the electrons move back to a lower-energy orbit, it releases a particle of light or photon. Aurora Australis from Space. Source: NASA
  10. 2 points
    Watch the video i posted. The picture you posted is a photoshop recreation. Every picture of the earth we see that looks like the one you posted of the entire globe is a photoshop recreation
  11. 2 points
    You have no answer because you are afraid to admit the truth. The truth being every photo we get from nasa is a cartoon. this 2 minute video is an interview with the guy that creates the pictures.
  12. You can't be that stupid to equate a tie to a national security item like cobalt or in Hillarys case (uranium)
  13. Same here. This is anything buy a vaxxine. It's an experiment on sheep.
  14. boiled ham , cabbage , taters , carrots ( new england boiled dinner )
  15. Can a old Honda crv even tow the trailer for a 47 let alone the boat on it ?
  16. So like this then ? Or now do you think some if your idiot heros may think twice before causing billions in damage standing up for pos fellons who don't deserve a mattress in there cell . Again the shit started after a kid put out a dumpster fire thT some if the dead were pushing to a gas station to attempt to blow it up. Then after the shitbags had time to stew over that they attempted to assault him and got what they deserved
  17. Is this the same Gravano that you claim to know but he won't even answer you here? You have no back up. You are nobody. It must suck to be you.
  18. 2 points
    I've got some work to do on this shed find. Sold my 79 7500
  19. NOBODY is afraid of you. You have no capability to make fear. All bark and no teeth to bite with.
  20. She called him a racist during the Dem debates. She is your garden variety lying, say anything to get a vote piece of shit.
  21. This is sexist, mysoginistic and probably racist.
  22. dude in a wheelchair, giving it the beans
  23. As far as Kyle being there as others have said, the government is totally to blame for allowing the rioting to continue, they had the ability to stop it and didn't.
  24. 2 points
    I don’t see the appeal of Tesla’s anyway. Those kinds of vehicles just aren’t for me.
  25. It began you you dumb fucks labeled Kyle a racist, Nazi etc. Now your going to triple down on your own bullshit???? Hide under your bed loser and hope nobody comes for you!
  26. 2 points
    This dudes a piece of shit
  27. Shut the fuck up you retarded old cunt. Men are talking.
  28. I agree with many here I'm not sure I see the viability. I have an R-XC and it's an awesome sled...everything is there to be fun, aggressive, durable, and ultra capable. The power from the c-tec2 600 and it's characteristics are top notch for the displacement, but I certainly wouldn't want less. So where to save money? I suppose I could live with a basic gauge, but I like the functionality and I'd maybe save a couple hundred? Unpainted tunnel could work to save a little but not much (and a painted tunnel is superior both in looks and snow shedding too). The closest to what you're talking about is the sno pro 500, but as good as that sled was, you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who wouldn't admit it would be even better with a 600 (or more).
  29. my defenition of premium isn't mass produced off the shelf Fox or Walker Evans https://www.elkasuspension.com/product-category/snowmobile/?filter_vehicle-model-year=zr-6000r-xc-129-2016&filter_product-model=stage-5&subid=snowmobile&c=72e1ba2726d6&c=72e1ba2726d6 https://www.hygearsuspension.com/collections/2020-arctic-cat-zr-137-rr but!!! with the IFP QS3's you could easily have them valved for weight/use and add DSC's without breaking the bank.
  30. Ask your doctor....absolutely do not listen to this dumbfuck below.
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