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About airflite1

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    Northern Minnesota


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    2021 650 Matrix, 2022 850XCR

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  1. Brendan Carr @BrendanCarrFCC Commissioner, Federal Communications Commission. Previously, General Counsel of the FCC. Senior Republican on the five member agency.
  2. I think the left’s attack about her being a diversity hire is the easy way out and a cover for one of the reasons she was selected for VP, the fact she was a corrupt prosecutor that wasn’t shy about using biased Judiciaries, hiding and tampering with evidence to win at all costs, you know kind of like the cases against Trump. I wonder how long it’ll take before her involvement in the cases come out.
  3. Of course he will, if she receives the nomination, the real question is will she debate him with a neutral moderator.
  4. 😂 “Rolling Stone” they’d never put a liberal twist on anything. From CNN: “I haven’t agreed to anything. I agreed to a debate with Joe Biden,” Trump said on a press call. “But I want to debate with her, and she’ll be no different because they have the same policies. I think debating is important for a presidential race, I really do. You sort of have an obligation to debate.” Why should he be scared to Debate her, she can’t stand on her past policies, just watch the debate with Tulsi?
  5. He probably read it in the Wall Street Journal. I read on here that’s a reliable source.
  6. He denied that he’s giving 45 million a month, it’s pretty easy to find.
  7. You do realize that was a liberal media lie. As your quote says it was never true.
  8. I'd put money on the Biden family, I think the Lawfare against Trump is over.
  9. It was the summer of violence by the left that led up to Jan.6th, There’s all kinds of video evidence of Trump asking people to protest peacefully, but go ahead and ignore that since it doesn’t fit your agenda, Hell even Nancy admitted she was to blame , for her it was just a political game.
  10. Well you’ve proven to me, you’re just a shit stirring idiot.
  11. My take is the people that control the media also control the politicians, Trump knows that and is willing to stand up to and try expose them, along with Elon Musk. President Trump get’s belligerent but I feel it takes someone with his fortitude to be willing to stand up to them.
  12. The media has lost all credibility, pure propaganda for the socialist liberal elite.
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