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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/14/2018 in Posts

  1. Organize a walkout at high schools....should do the trick.
    5 points
  2. cats should be left home, if your bringing the dog with you buy a seat for it and have the good boy sit right next to you. I'd rather have a dog than a person sitting in my row as dogs>people
    3 points
  3. First of all you misspelled Ignorance and second of all go fuck yourself.
    3 points
  4. Yeah that's it....quit being such a cunt and go worry about that disphit you helped to elect.
    3 points
  5. Some pics from north of Sudsville. Trails were perfect, fast as hell. They'll be good up there until April, lakes have 3' of ice, lots of snow. Radar runs at Rocky's. The Mini Z ran 64mph. A Mach ran 178. Some guy in North Bay ran 203.
    3 points
  6. Featuring mountain sleds for a flatlander show is a joke. The same sleds will appear at the Barrie show, so not much sense in going now. The manufacturers have done this for a few years now, although the mountain sled technology and features are nice, and ultimately some of that tech appears on flatlanders. they really need a relook. You can see that the decision of what to show is done at the executive level and not the working level. Sign of the times I guess....., but then again, one ride to the Ganny having a 163 track, backpack, shovel and spare fuel can is a prerequisite.
    3 points
  7. Phoenix post-race penalties announced NASCAR released the Post-Event Penalty Report for ISM Raceway: Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series ISM Raceway Infraction Date: 3/11/2018 (post-race inspection) Team: #9-Chase Elliott Violation: Section 20.14.2 Rear Suspension I-4 Truck Trailing Arm Spacers/Pinion Angle Shims e. Notes: 6. Truck trailing arm spacer / pinion angle shim mating surfaces must be planar and must be in complete contact with corresponding mating surfaces at all points and at all times. Rule applied to race finish as a post-race L1 infraction. Penalty: Crew chief (Alan Gustafson) has been fined $50,000. Car chief (Josh Kirk) has been suspended for the next two Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series Championship Points Events. Team has been assessed with the loss of 25 owner points and 25 driver points.
    2 points
  8. What about big pharma pushing this stuff and making it very lucrative for the docs to fill there pockets?
    2 points
  9. WGAF if he did something to be fired for cause to bad no pension for you go out and find another job like an average american not of the gov tit
    2 points
  10. Time to let it go... Neal
    2 points
  11. good boys don't shit in the aisle FTR i actually don't disagree with you, as much as i love dogs people aren't responsible,enough to know if their dog could handle a flight. Mine would just curl up next to me
    2 points
  12. Yup. How about no fucking infants either. Isn't that fun for EVERYONE!!!! Your kid can't talk? You're driving...period.
    2 points
  13. And don't mention his name . Refer to him as that loser down in florida that killed the kids.
    2 points
  14. well at least they won't shit themselves when they come down
    2 points
  15. "I'll gladly pay more for American made." All of a sudden when Trump wants to implement tariffs that may or may not increase some products prices those same people are crying about it.
    2 points
  16. To late. Obama left chicken bones all over the floor and watermelon and gravy stains all over the furniture.
    2 points
  17. yes because people were unhappy with his performance but he was less divisive in my opinion than Trump and although he certainly didn't deserve a second term somehow he got one. Until we expect more from our politicians this back and forth will continue, trumps best win might be the fact he's so unlikable to all but the biggest hacks maybe that will finally start happening. We should be voting out of office every candidate whose served more than 6 years at a federal office level. Max 2 terms for senate/ 4 for house and 10 years if you hold both senate and house seats. It's not meant to be a lifelong profession it's meant to be a public service.
    2 points
  18. I haven't seen the dems this giddy since Nov 8th, 2016 up until about 9pm.
    2 points
  19. NASCAR has a pole award sponsor again, and it is a familiar one. Anheuser-Busch, which sponsored the award for 10 years before Coors Light took it over in 2008, has inked a multiyear deal to sponsor the pole award in NASCAR's national series. The beer company will use the award to market Busch, which also serves as the sponsor of Stewart-Haas Racing's Kevin Harvick for 16 Cup series races. Busch also gets "official beer" status as part of the deal (Busch had been the official beer of NASCAR from 1988-2007), and Busch liked the idea of being part of a celebratory moment again with the pole award.
    2 points
  20. Damit, why am I the last to find this stuff out?
    2 points
  21. 2 points
  22. Only you could write 50 words about a 25 second video that shows nothing.
    2 points
  23. How about instead of walking out of school they walk up to the loner kids and talk to them. Walk up to kids that are picked on or bullied and befriend them.
    2 points
  24. I like how they've been using multiple backs with different styles and it also keeps them fresh and healthy. Gillislee, white, and burkhead if they sign him, would still make an ok running game, but Lewis was by far the best one.
    1 point
  25. I try to stay with the picks I make right after qualifying is over.
    1 point
  26. and he should have shes a POS
    1 point
  27. Well Lamb did run his platform against Nancy Pelosi...
    1 point
  28. Was it from The Rebel?
    1 point
  29. Our group of 5 were at the show yesterday as well. Only 1 will be buying a new sled. We kinda all admitted that it was probably the worst display of new model sleds that we could remember. Tons of mountain sleds on display, with colors that only Stevie Wonder could love. And the list prices of all the new stuff was kinda shocking instead. I,ll gladly ride my old sled another season, or 10. These new colors seen to cater to teens and 20 somethings, who really cann,t afford or have the interest in sledding. Will be interesting to see where this goes in the next 10 years.
    1 point
  30. The question is how many centered candidates can they field. The energy in the dem field is not blue dog....its far left. Lamb won his primary because that type of candidate has always done well in that state.
    1 point
  31. Very difficult to take much from this election when the dem candidate is as far centered as he is. Few are anymore. The gun issue alone would have swung this election the other way. Simple as that.
    1 point
  32. CNN understood it at one time. https://www.cnn.com/2016/03/23/opinions/american-steel-industry-gibson-schmitt/index.html The crisis facing the U.S. steel industryBy Thomas J. Gibson and Chuck Schmitt Updated 11:31 PM ET, Wed March 23, 2016 (CNN)As the backbone of American manufacturing, the steel industry is essential to the world's water and food supply, energy generation and national security. The U.S. military uses steel extensively, ranging from aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines to missiles, armor plate for tanks and every major military aircraft in production. There are a lot of reasons to take pride in American steel. But today, our steel industry is being hurt by an unprecedented surge in unfairly traded imports, with record amounts of foreign-produced steel flooding into the United States. Cheap, subsidized foreign imports are taking steel jobs away. In 2015, almost one in three tons of steel sold in the United States was produced outside the country. The import crisis is now beginning to get the national attention it deserves. The crisis has become the topic of presidential debates, candidate interviews and stump speeches. And it's about time. Many presidential candidates are realizing that global overcapacity of steel -- in part due to massive subsidization by foreign governments -- is a huge problem and a chief contributor to the crisis the American steel industry faces. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development estimatesthat there are about 700 million metric tons of excess steel capacity globally today. China's government-owned and -supported steel industry represents almost half of the world's steelmaking and more than half of the world's overcapacity. Between 2000 and 2014, Chinese steel production increased a whopping 540%, while U.S. production declined 13%. As has been said by one steel company CEO in testimonybefore the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, the Chinese government is a company disguised as a country.
    1 point
  33. Neal really has this idea that he is some sort of high level intellectual and the rest of us are rubes....guy is an annoying fucking twat.
    1 point
  34. I think this weekend's plans are going to involve drinking and sanding and oiling my work bench. And if any of you buttholes need to buy more tools, check out Harry Epstein.
    1 point
  35. Mark Rich just found 3 boxes of ballots in his trunk and is driving from st paul to Pa right now
    1 point
  36. My favorite part and really one of few things I like about Trump is: he drives liberals batshit crazy. It doesnt matter what he says or does, snooty liberals have a shit fit. This makes me smile. Every time.
    1 point
  37. Just traded her in on a bag of pucks. I'll ride the keyboard from now till December.
    1 point
  38. What was the trap speed there, 41.3 mph?!
    1 point
  39. Sounds familiar....wouldnt it mean more if he was actually not a private citizen at the time? You wrote the book on dumb one would think.....youve been blabbering for a yr + now about collusion....but now you are settling with whether Trump banged a porn star or not... Can you not see how pathetic that makes you look?
    1 point
  40. Obama was a little bitch for sure ......his transgender cunt of a man wife pegged his ass daily
    1 point
  41. Good. About time some testosterone returned to the oval office, instead of that mom jean wearing fake president we had for 8 years.
    1 point
  42. Momo furiously pummeled his limp cock while drooling over that pic....but alas.....the elusive boner evaded him once more
    1 point
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