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About Wildboer

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    New Jersey


  • Current Sled
    Ski Doo XRS 600r

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  1. You are gonna be so pissed in November, it’s gonna be hilarious.
  2. President Harris is gonna drive the right CRAZY
  3. The aspirations of the right wing have been to make the rich richer at the working classes expense and to oppress women and minorities since before I was born. Project 2025 isn’t some shocking revelation to me, it’s the right doing business as usual.
  4. You think that’s a big list of positive things don’t you?
  5. Thanks for proving my point. You’re literally genocidal. Read the above post and think a little more on whether or not he’s a bigot He’s a proud bigot.
  6. Th y own both sides of the aisle and they’re getting away with a literal genocide while the whole world watches because of it. Truly sickening. As for this list of Trump goals it’s a bunch of empty hope, maybe he should come up with some plans on how to achieve said goals and let us know those.
  7. You’re supporting a literal genocide. All because you’re a blind bigot. burn baby burn!
  8. I’d take Palestine over apartheid Israel any day of the week.
  9. Seriously, civilized people use guillotines not gallows.
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