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awful knawful

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awful knawful last won the day on November 17 2019

awful knawful had the most liked content!

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  • Location
    Tide Head


  • Current Sled
    XRS 900r

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  1. I just had a once over. I'm in perfect health at 50. Probably because I'm not sitting at a computer all day posting COVID threads all day in my 1 week timeshare. Loser
  2. That cheap oil and electricity bye bye. I hope Quebec just shuts the switch. Perfect time. Freeze cunts.
  3. From 0 to paying their fair share is not raising taxes or fees. It's getting these ev freeloaders to help pay for the roads their tire eating heavy ass vehicles do to the roads.
  4. You talk about it alot
  5. I really liked those tanks were the neck was so big you could put your hand in.
  6. What part of the country? We're finally getting a bit near the Gaspe.
  7. Looks horrible. What's all the smooth white stuff? Do they have trails in Alaska? Or do they just drive their sleds from dumpster to dumpster looking for washer fluid remnants?
  8. Replacement on a 10 year old truck? Tell me the insurer
  9. I've heard of a few 6.2s going down in our small city area.
  10. 87. I don't think it's original paint.
  11. Some old bastard from Quebec backed into my baby a couple months ago. Took door off and took it to paintless dent guy. He did a great job, there's some scratches, but I'm fine with that vs painting the door on a 38 year old car.
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